Example sentences of "a [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 He had a semi-hard-on the whole time he was bathing her , and without warning she grabbed him by it , and led him to the bath .
2 It has been held that if a solicitor preparing a will omits a provision the testator intended , it counts as a ‘ clerical error ’ , and that the will can therefore be rectified by the court under the Administration of Justice Act 1982 ( p 100 ) .
3 And he took the side of Vice President Al Gore against other cabinet members in committing the United States to lowering by 2000 its emission of greenhouse gases to 1990 levels , a provision the Bush administration had kept out of the global climate treaty signed at Rio .
4 Design a chart the parents can fill in for a period of one week .
5 On a technicality the bu , the treasurer can still control it .
6 Once on a hilltop the trees broke , and we looked back and saw a vast red light on the horizon .
7 The bill included as a disbursement the sum of £500 plus VAT payable by Marshalls to Coleman & Co .
8 In the teeth of a recession the reworked Labour Party and the reworked Mr Kinnock are level-pegging with the Tories .
9 The clocks are very expensive — some costing more than ten thousand pounds , but even in the depths of a recession the firm thought it had enough work to keep it ticking over .
10 A kitchen the same size , off which there are small rooms , rather like chapels off a cathedral .
11 Rather than having to type in the name of a program or press certain letters or numbers to select a function the user simply ‘ points ’ to what is required and presses a button .
12 The pilots used to say it 's a pilots ' plane — when you flew a Hurricane the pilot flew the plane , but when you flew a Spitfire , it flew itself .
13 In such a case the court has power to stop the prosecution in its tracks .
14 In such a case the discrimination would be direct .
15 As the term suggests , these are letters from the Commission to notifying parties stating that the Commission does not believe that there is any need to take action in relation to the agreement or arrangement either because it falls outside Article 85(1) or because it may satisfy the requirements of Article 85(3) , although in such a case the issue of a comfort letter does not amount to an exemption pursuant to Article 85(3) .
16 In such a case the patient is quite unaware of the root cause of the problem , because it has been successfully suppressed , and is therefore unable to help the therapist consciously with the relevant case history .
17 In such a case the damages would provide a complete indemnity for the monies paid out on behalf of the vicariously liable employer to the injured plaintiff .
18 A power that had been delegated previously is therefore removed , usually in quite a small way , by an instruction that in such and such a case the matter is to be referred upwards .
19 There is no logical reason why a person ought not to be allowed to represent another in order to protect that other 's individual interests , but in such a case the main function of representation would probably be to provide finance for the action rather than organizational efficiency ; and in most cases there is no reason why one person should not provide another with finance to enable that other to bring an action in his or her own name .
20 In such a case the impression is given that Jesus is , as it were on his own , and with no reference needing to be made to the other persons of the trinity , God .
21 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
22 At face value this passage asserts that in such a case the appellant/respondent is entitled to raise before the House of Lords any issue on which leave had been granted at the outset of the appeal and which was raised before but left unresolved by the Court of Appeal .
23 Directive , the court holding that in such a case the member state is obliged to make good damage suffered by individuals as a result of its failure so to do .
24 … If in such a case the circumstances be such at the time when the act or neglect occurs that it should reasonably be foreseen that the person in fact injured thereby might be so injured , then at the time of the injury a relationship giving rise to a duty exists .
25 Mr. Lloyd said that in such a case the discretion to order rectification against a bona fide purchaser , such as the building society in the present case , would be very unlikely ever to be exercised .
26 In such a case the entry on the register would not , it seems to me , have been obtained by fraud .
27 In such a case the mortgagee acts for the benefit of the equity of redemption as much as for that of the security .
28 In such a case the surgeon may lawfully operate , in the knowledge that he can be justified either by consent or by the principle of necessity , whichever is in fact applicable .
29 In such a case the counter-restitution could be achieved by a financial adjustment based on the value of the shares .
30 In such a case the subordinate legislation may be used in order to construe the parent Act : see Hanlon v. The Law Society [ 1981 ] A.C. 124 , 193 , per Lord Lowry .
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