Example sentences of "a [noun] hold " in BNC.

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1 When it does , it tends to be a reaction to perceived injustice , such as internment without trial , or the conviction of a son by a sole judge in a trial held in total secrecy and on the evidence of unseen witnesses , or a simple case of one 's house being badly mauled by careless soldiers searching for arms .
2 In a trial held on Oct. 10-13 in Hanoi , 38 members of a Vietnamese resistance movement were sentenced to prison terms of between three years and life , having been found guilty of " traitorous activities " .
3 In a trial held in October 1990 , 38 members of the National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam ( NUFLVN ) resistance movement were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment after being found guilty of attempting to overthrow the government .
4 He took his top fifty officers to a resort to hold their annual financial planning meeting .
5 The outbreak has been traced to a function held at Uncle Dick 's Restaurant .
6 The picture was taken at a function held in the Bridge House , Tullamore , on Friday 12th February 1993 .
7 DR Michael Dewar , historian and author , who now lives in Cheltenham , and his wife were guests of honour at a function held by Mount Ida LOL near Banbridge last night .
8 Helping women to stay at home yet giving them an occupation , some money and a branch held out towards the wider community were all worthy goals in Laura 's eyes .
9 The current President , Maumoun Abdul Gayoom , who first took office in July 1978 , was re-elected for the second time in a referendum held on Sept. 23 , 1988 [ see p. 36350 ] .
10 A referendum held in 1980 rejected the restoration of political parties ( proscribed by the King in 1961 ) but decided in favour of retaining the panchayat system with limited reforms , namely ; ( i ) the election to the Rashtriya Panchayat by universal adult franchise of 112 members for a five-year term ( the remaining 28 members being nominated by the King ) ; and ( ii ) the appointment of the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of the Prime Minister ( elected by the Rashtriya Panchayat ) .
11 Buyoya signed a decree on Feb. 9 establishing a National Unity Charter which had been overwhelmingly endorsed by voters in a referendum held on Feb. 5 .
12 A referendum held on July 28 , 1989 , backed constitutional amendments which greatly strengthened presidential authority [ see p. 36833 ] .
13 In a referendum held on May 19 throughout Croatia , final results showed that 83.6 per cent of the registered electorate of 3,652,225 went to the polls and 93.2 per cent of these voted in favour of the proposal that Croatia , " as a sovereign and independent country which guarantees cultural autonomy and all civic rights to the Serbs and members of other nationalities in Croatia , may with other republics join a confederation of sovereign states " .
14 In a referendum held on Sept. 8 in Macedonia 75 per cent of the registered electorate of 1,400,000 went to the polls ; they were boycotted by many of the Albanians who made up 25 per cent of the republic 's population .
15 March 31 : in a referendum held in Georgia 99 per cent voted in favour of independence in a 90 per cent turnout , and on April 9 Georgia proclaimed its independence .
16 ( 1 ) It attempted to establish the legitimacy of the Union by a referendum held on March 17 , 1991 , on the preservation of the Soviet Union .
17 A referendum held in November 1990 decisively rejected the proposal that the Governor 's power of veto should be restricted .
18 Hafez al-Assad 's nomination for a fourth seven-year term as president was endorsed by 99.98 per cent of voters in a referendum held on Dec. 2 .
19 However , Macedonia 's internal divisions were highlighted by a referendum held by the ethnic Albanian minority in Macedonia on Jan. 11-12 , in which 99.9 per cent voted for territorial and political autonomy .
20 In a referendum held in Bosnia-Hercegovina on Feb. 29-March 1 , 99.4 per cent of those voting opted for full independence .
21 In a referendum held by the Amsterdam City Council on March 25 , a total of 53 per cent of those voting approved a proposal to ban cars and vans from the city centre .
22 A referendum held on May 4 in the Northwest Territories resulted in a vote in favour of the boundary changes required to establish a native Inuit homeland , Nunavut .
23 In a referendum held on Sept. 19 the New Zealand electorate voted decisively to change the country 's electoral system .
24 In a referendum held on Sept. 27 voters approved by 1,304,365 votes ( 63.6 per cent ) to 747,304 ( 36.4 per cent ) the construction of two new trans-Alpine rail tunnels through the St Gotthard ( 50 km ) and the Lötschberg ( 30 km ) , costing at least SFr14,900 million .
25 In a referendum held at the same time as the elections , 78 per cent of voters supported a new Constitution which provided for a directly elected President to appoint a Prime Minister who would in turn appoint a Cabinet , with all appointments requiring parliamentary approval .
26 A draft constitution , prepared by a commission consisting of a majority of members drawn from the ruling Seychelles People 's Progressive Front ( SPPF ) , failed to win approval by the necessary 60 per cent majority in a referendum held on Nov. 15 .
27 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
28 The next Minutes , dated January 11th , 1909 , are unsigned and are the last available until May 1920 ; interestingly they record a decision to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting to alter the Sunday Caddie rule .
29 Talk of a summit was not popular in Washington , but Soviet–American exchanges finally resulted in a decision to hold a four-power conference in Paris in May 1960 .
30 An opposition communiqué released on May 20 , however , expressed a willingness to hold talks with the government in order to pave the way for a return to democracy .
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