Example sentences of "a [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 City Diary : Jackson 's new brief breaks a solicitors ' barrier
2 David Cooper , a partner in a solicitors ' firm , was less cheerful : ‘ A Labour victory will cost me £250,000 a year .
3 He graduated from the University with an LLB in 1950 and is a partner in a solicitors ' practice in Nottingham .
4 Quigly , Willis and Frome — it would have formed a sufficiently high-sounding trio of names to grace a solicitors ' firm .
5 For example , a solicitors ' practice operating out of High Street , Falkirk , may feel it has a lot less to fear from terrorist attack than , say , one in the City .
6 The reason for this is to ensure that all services central to a solicitors ' practice are regulated by the Law society .
7 Practitioners are strongly advised to use Clause 3(a) as under the Rules a solicitors ' incorporated practice is permitted only to ‘ carry on business consisting of the provision of professional services such as are provided by individuals practising as solicitors or by multi-national partnerships . ’
8 It must however be emphasized that these powers can not be used by a solicitors ' incorporated practice to do anything in breach of the Solicitors Act 1974 , the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to incorporated practices — in this regard attention is drawn to the proviso set out in Clause 3(a) .
9 Specimen memorandum of association for a solicitors ' incorporated practice which is a company limited by shares
10 Specimen articles of association for a solicitors ' incorporated practice which is a company limited by shares
11 Practitioners are strongly advised to use Clause 3(a) as under the Rules a solicitors ' incorporated practice is permitted only to ‘ carry on business consisting of the provision of professional services such as are provided by individuals practising as solicitors or by multi-national partnerships . ’
12 It must however be emphasised that these powers can not be used by a solicitors ' incorporated practice to do anything in breach of the Solicitors Act 1974 , the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to incorporated practices — in this regard attention is drawn to the proviso set out in Clause 3(a) .
13 Specimen memorandum of association for a solicitors ' incorporated practice which is an unlimited company having a share capital
14 Specimen articles of association for a solicitors ' incorporated practice which is an unlimited company having a share capital
15 There is no professional restriction in force which prohibits the formation of a solicitors ' limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act 1907 and , indeed , s717(1) ( a ) of the Companies Act 1985 expressly contemplates their existence .
16 After a transitional period of three years from 1 January 1992 , such companies will only be operable as part of a solicitors ' incorporated practice .
17 Service companies The attractiveness of service companies in the administration of a solicitors ' practice will by and large depend upon the perceived fiscal advantages at any particular time ( see Chapters 5 and 10 ) .
18 The lien of a solicitors ' firm over clients ' papers pending payment of its costs will not be lost by a change in membership so long as the papers have come into the firm 's possession before the change : they can not ( subject always to any specific arrangements with the client to the contrary ) lawfully be retained after such a change in respect of a debt falling due before that event .
19 There is little in this which is peculiar to a solicitors ' partnership dispute but with regard to the last noted remedy the court recognises the great and possibly irreparable harm that could be done by appointing a receiver over a professional firm and may be reluctant to make such an order at the behest of one disaffected partner ( see Floydd v Cheney [ 1970 ] Ch 602 and Sobell v Boston [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 1587 ) .
20 It is not the purpose of this or the following chapter to present a comprehensive guide to the administration of a solicitors ' practice or to advise as to the ways in which its profitability can be increased .
21 ( b ) Professional conduct Given the nature of a solicitors ' practice , even in the absence of a written agreement it would readily be implied that each partner owed a duty to his co-partners to observe the professional conduct regulations promulgated by the Law Society .
22 In the ordinary course of a solicitors ' practice the partners will meet at regular intervals to discuss the affairs of the firm ( Clause 17.03 ) .
23 Rule 2 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 provides : Solicitors may at their discretion publicise their practices , or permit other persons to do so , or publicise the businesses or activities of other persons , provided there is no breach of these rules and provided there is compliance with a Solicitors ' Publicity Code promulgated from time to time by the Council of the Law Society with the concurrence of the Master of the Rolls .
24 Since in the case of a solicitors ' partnership all parties to such agreements should be taken as being familiar with the legal principles governing covenants in restraint of trade as well as with the particular circumstances of the practice with which they have all been involved , it might be thought that the court would be unwilling to substitute its own ideas as to what might constitute reasonable protection for the business .
25 Never underestimate how terrified many people are when faced with the prospect of going into a solicitors ' office .
26 A tenancy in common is usual in a business situation such as a solicitors ' partnership .
27 Under the Solicitors Accounts ( Deposit Interest ) Rules 1987 , solicitors have a duty to account to their clients for the interest earned by the placing of such monies in a solicitors ' client account .
28 I am writing as the senior partner in a solicitors ' practice , employing over 20 people , in reply to some of the comments spreading gloom and despondency about the Labour Party 's proposals in the areas of taxation , economic growth and training .
29 The county was divided into four areas in each of which , with commendable foresight , a Guardians ' Committee was brought in , thereby retaining the important element of voluntary service by local residents .
30 From then one we are taken through a Druids ' Grove to consider swords , war trumpets , and the bronze shield cover discovered in the River Witham in Lincolnshire and dates from the second century BC .
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