Example sentences of "of [Wh det] you " in BNC.

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1 One other quality of timber which bears on marquetry , and of which you should always be aware , is that of texture .
2 The problem comes when you meet a horizontal nogging — the positions of which you can determine with a joist and batten detector .
3 ‘ Are you in favour , in a democracy , of banning political parties of which you disapprove ? ’
4 Someone once said that you were n't much interested in politics except of the musical variety , of which you are a consummate master ; but you have been friendly with a number of leading politicians , including two British Prime Ministers .
5 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
6 And all this merely supplements and whets the appetite for the serious nourishment of hot dogs and beer , in search of which you must leave your seat and descend below the stands .
7 In the unlikely event that matters can not be resolved to your satisfaction in the resort , the Representative will ask you to record details of any problems on a Holiday Report Form , of which you will be given a copy , and you must then follow up your report by writing to the Customer Relations Department at our Birmingham Head Office ( quoting the numbers of your Holiday Reference and Holiday Report forms ) within 42 days of returning from resort .
8 2 What do you expect the retail price to be ? $399 was suggested for the 4000 , I think , of which you said $240 would be your net receipts .
9 Now I am not entirely sure these were the exact names , but the point was they reminded Mr Smith and Mr Jones of the music hall act , Murphy , Saltman and Brigid the Cat , of which you may have heard .
10 The sudden impact of being in a situation of which you have long dreamed is a temporary high , soon destroyed by the dread possibility of them all going away again .
11 In summary : ‘ We 'll discuss work problems and possible remedies , both of which you suggest ; I may have some thoughts on these too . ’
12 Time and time again he will charge for the snags which are in range , including some of which you may be unaware , or others you may think are out of range .
13 The second type is the block-end which has removable lids , one of which you take off while you fill it with live feed such as maggots .
14 Only add those things of which you are quite sure .
15 Our courses offer 6 hours of expert instructions in the basics of the sport at the end of which you will possess the fundamentals and should be competent in moderate winds .
16 It is our intention to maintain a university of which you will continue to be proud .
17 Another familiar failing of which you should be aware is the subconscious tendency of some interviewers to always look for someone who is like them and therefore to judge people on how far they match up .
18 All these rates are in Cyprus pounds , of which you get about 80 in exchange for £100 sterling .
19 It will be a time for you to use all the imagination of which you are capable , to try to think how you would be feeling if you were in her shoes , and to handle her fragile emotions very gently .
20 Even if no one is around who can confirm a particular incident , if you are able to come up with details of surroundings and personalities of which you had no conscious memory , and if these are later proved to have been accurate , there is no real reason to suppose that a significant event was simply a figment of an over-active imagination .
21 You are also about to embark on a series of exercises that will start you on the road to a more beautiful body — a body of which you will be proud .
22 It is when you and everyone else will realise the stuff of which you are made .
23 These machines , which are comparatively new to the domestic market , have jog/shuttle dials with the aid of which you can rapidly pinpoint edits by playing the tapes back and forth at any speed you like from single-frame and slo-mo to five or more times faster than normal .
24 It prides itself on this fact and points out in its brochure that while a large group can offer a wide range of services ‘ many of which you are unlikely to want … its investment managers suffer from real problems and conflicts of interest : supporting in-house issues , buying in-house unit trusts , helping its market makers and churning portfolios ’ .
25 Bank Chambers High Street , Newbury , Berks 19 May 1987 Dear Sir , Re : Invoice 87/625 Despite reminders , this account in respect of road transport services for £2950 ( full particulars of which you have already received ) remains unpaid .
26 Officially , since you have to have an official existence , you have a nationality of which you are either proud or fond .
27 What 's this Monte Viso in the horizon of which you operate ? ’
28 There are three fairly recent rule changes of which you should be aware .
29 In addition to understanding your current pension scheme , you may also need to chase up any previous schemes of which you were a member .
30 You will need hessian sacking , soft string ( called ‘ fillis ’ ) and thick ‘ tarred string ’ , both of which you can obtain from the garden sundries store .
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