Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was also signed by two captains , Javier Licona and Jesus George Balma , known to be unhappy at recent promotions of majors loyal to the general , at the expense of officers considered of questionable loyalty .
2 Smart creation of graphs 20 major chart and graph types , including 3D bar and 3D pie charts , rotation of 3D charts , ability to create and print multi-page presentations , linking of multiple dynamic charts and dynamic worksheet tables into presentation windows it also has the ability to annotate presentations with text , drawn images , lines , arrows , ellipses , bitmaps , or OLE objects .
3 Any change in the number of ions present will cause a change in the electrical conductivity of the solution .
4 Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation , and she had been using a variety of drugs , including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell , and also protein synthesis inhibitors , to dissect out a series of phases , which she described as short- , intermediate- and long-term memory .
5 For example , it receives payments of taxes due to the government and pays out interest to the holders of the National Debt .
6 It is this epoch which has traditionally marked for pupils a break from learning about royalty and politicians to noting the dates of inventions such as the spinning jenny and Arkwright 's mule .
7 The interface between the A and B monomers consists of helices I and II .
8 In the case of negatives , these factors are different from those associated with use of affirmatives , and in the case of passives these factors are different from those associated with the use of actives .
9 At any age an individual could enter one of a number of states such as university , work or a polytechnic .
10 It is notable that no Western politician has yet proposed that Israeli nuclear weapons should be included in the regional disarmament negotiations that will neuter the military power of states such as Syria and Iran and ensure that Iraq can not become a new military phoenix .
11 I listened with interest to the hon. Gentleman 's proposals for a selective approach towards a recognition of states such as Slovenia and for some form of loose federation for the rest of Yugoslavia .
12 For example , I pass through a sequence of states identical to one passed through by a native Chinese speaker in being presented with a question in Chinese and giving the answer in Chinese .
13 It should however be possible to specify the range of values legal for a particular application , either in the TEI Header ( see section HDR below ) or by a user-defined modification .
14 There is a significant parallel with the set of values inherent in the study and experience of literature .
15 consider that in certain circumstances one would expect laterality scores to correlate with overall accuracy scores , they favour the use of an index of laterality that is independent of accuracy in the sense that the values which the index might take within the total range of values possible is not " constrained " by any given level of accuracy .
16 Values are rules which are not attached to particular roles but are more general standards concerning worthy behaviour ; for example , injunctions like ‘ Uphold the Law ’ , ‘ Respect Private Property ’ , ‘ Work Hard ’ , ‘ Protect Family Life ’ , etc. reflect the kinds of values typical of Western industrial societies .
17 The focus of attention , in neo-classical price theory , is [ … ] on the values of the price and quantity variables , and in particular on the set of values consistent with equilibrium conditions .
18 In addition , we saw that if Christianity was to be made the source of values this would create a logical inconsistency in Professor Hayek 's defence of the spontaneous order .
19 The hierarchies of esteem in which they were held differed widely from one culture to another until all were engulfed in the pecuniary measure of values common to the world market .
20 A single dose of Puls 200 produced a night free of flushes but this did n't hold and repetition of the Puls 200 after 2 days had no effect nor did increasing to Puls 1M or returning to Puls LM4 .
21 Such grants are based on the Statute of Monopolies 1623 , which , while in general prohibiting the grant of monopolies , made an exception in favour of patents ‘ for the term of fourteen years or under for the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within the realm to the true and first inventor or inventors of such manufactures , which others at the time of making such letters patent and grants shall not use ’ .
22 Alternatively , the analyst could say these different sentences to a group of listeners and ask them all to write down what attitudes they thought were being expressed ; however , we have a vast range of adjectives available for labelling attitudes and the members of the group would probably produce a very large number of such adjectives , leaving the analyst with the problem of deciding whether pairs such as ‘ pompous ’ and ‘ stuck-up ’ , or ‘ obsequious ’ and ‘ sycophantic ’ were synonyms or represented different attitudes .
23 This is the example of Acts 4 .
25 After two years of study , a blue-ribbon panel of experts this week advised NASA to plan at least four ‘ essential ’ planetary ventures between now and the year 2000 .
26 During January , exclusive to DIY readers , Heuga will be operating a telephone hotline with a team of experts ready to help you solve any problems relating to their carpet tiles .
27 The answer is that we can , without using intuition , speculation or hearsay concerning Z , prove that Z , C and M are logical consequences of the axioms A1 through to I. Now whilst algebraists do not regard it as their prime duty to reduce all such sets of axioms to a minimum size , it is part of an algebraist 's function to investigate consequences of axioms such as those just referred to .
28 Neither William Hartnell , Maureen O'Brien nor Peter Purves appeared in this episode for a complex set of reasons traceable right back to ‘ Planet of Giants ’ .
29 Edward Thompson maintains that for a variety of reasons traditional pursuits were strongly resilient through the eighteenth century and were weakened only by forces which developed in the nineteenth .
30 As York finds , workers prefer not to involve their clients in short-term task processes , but this may be for a multitude of reasons other than that of effectiveness : lack of time ( client participation is generally time consuming ) , agency policy and pressure ( paternalism ) , professional socialization and norms , and so on .
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