Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was pigs of majors like you . ’
2 And now Scottish Natural Heritage has asked the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , Banchory , in liaison with the Scottish Agricultural Statistics Service and Biosphere Consultancies , to do a study to determine the current status of adders in Scotland .
3 Large-scale improvements to the sewer system are also to be undertaken , with 5,000 km of drains to be built .
4 There was a vague smell of drains in the still air , of a cesspool somewhere .
5 Moreover , the average number of graphs per annual report ( of those companies using graphs ) was 7.5 , with financial graphs tending to be prominently displayed near the front of the report .
6 The use and abuse of graphs in annual reports : theoretical framework and empirical study — Vivien Beattie and Michael John Jones .
7 Brain of Britain — I 'm struggling with todays Sun crossword — I know it 's embarrassing but I 've only got a degree in Chemistry and we all know that chemistry students are amongst other things the partners of defenders with no brains , i.e Weatherall and Newsome .
8 He had a way of beating the offside trap of defenders like Newcastle 's McCracken by waiting until the ball was in his own half of the field before attacking .
9 My first choice of defenders from what we 've got are O'Leary and Fairclough .
10 Quicker than Sterland — but he was also quicker than a lot of defenders in those days .
11 But , unlike natural membranes ( nerve cell membranes , for example ) the ionic resistance of an artificial membrane can not be varied once it is in place ; and so the flux of ions across the membrane can not be fully controlled .
12 The movement of ions through a membrane is controlled by the nature and number of charged molecules fixed in it .
13 In the case of sodium chloride , there are two moles of ions for every mole of NaCl(s) .
14 It is hard to calculate the energies of ions with several unpaired electrons , and the effects of electron correlation and of relaxation are particularly significant in transition metal compounds .
15 Indeed there is a case for saying that it is the mix of ions of opposite polarities that makes the resonance formula adaptable and actually causes a self-tuning resonance .
16 The dependence of the collapse of ions of various structures into fullerenes upon size and ion energy can be investigated .
17 The Lawson parameter is this time multiplied by the number density , the number of ions in a unit volume of plasma , n : the sustainment time is the length of time for which these conditions are maintained .
18 The number density of ions in the torus varies , presumably because of variations in the volcanic activity of Io .
19 Once again , ionization from the ground-state of the molecule leads to the formation of ions in a series of vibrational states , and the UPS band shows a progression with ( see Fig. 6.12 ) .
20 The formula of an ionic compound shows the simplest ratio of ions in the ionic lattice .
21 In other cases atoms take the place of ions in regular lattice positions .
22 First we consider the different kinds of taxes through which the government can raise revenue .
23 Liberal pique over what they felt was inadequate consultation and personal rivalry between the leaders of the parties were seen by some as the most potent causes of the rift , but the official reason which the Liberals , the junior partners in the coalition , gave was their objection to the ending of tax deductions for car commuters and the raising of taxes on petrol and diesel fuel .
24 A former cabinet minister , Toshiyuki Inamura , was charged with evading ¥1.7 billion ( $12.6m ) of taxes on some ¥2.8 billion of ill-gotten gains that he made in a shares racket .
25 Apart from direct demands relating to pay and conditions for teachers , demands included : recognition of the professional status of teachers ; establishment of a technical commission on the financial needs of the Ministry of Public Education ; policies to defend the social welfare system ; elimination of taxes on books and educational materials ; and funding for student transport and school meals .
26 Nothing in the age of contentment has contributed so strongly to income inequality as the reduction of taxes on the rich ; nothing , as has been said , would so contribute to social tranquillity as some screams of anguish from the very affluent .
27 The attractions of the Bahamas include the absence of taxes on income , gifts , valued added , capital gains , wealth , inheritance and corporate profits , as well as the excellent climate .
28 ‘ Britain has the second highest level of taxes on alcohol in the EC and many are suffering as a result , ’ she said .
29 Whereas the American Constitution guaranteed that ‘ Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ’ as early as 1791 , the British State continued to regulate the press through a variety of taxes on paper and advertising until the mid-1850s .
30 Journalism was more promising to the entrepreneur-scientist , with steam-presses , cheap paper , the abolition of taxes on knowledge , and new readership with expanding education and the growth of specialization .
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