Example sentences of "of [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Peter grew up to know the value of money , and was taught by his caring , careful parents to save and be prudent in financial matters , and cautious of whom to trust in business .
2 Those interested in using the service are being asked to provide details of whom to contact , expertise available and areas of interest in ODP .
3 He fought for the introduction of a free press , the right of everyone to travel freely , a sound convertible currency and the right to existence of a Polish opposition .
4 Pretty silly of me to give you a false name , but I have n't much experience of — of — ‘
5 we will pay them for a start , that 's that 's the that 's the trouble with a lot other companies and er it would n't be professional of me to mention names , but let me tell you that er that 's one thing we do make sure that people erm get their money when when they 've earned it .
6 As a businessman , it would be foolhardy of me to pour my own money nilly-willy into the club and so I am constantly on the look-out for companies willing to risk investing in a lowly but forward-looking team .
7 ‘ Well ma'am , there 's some scraps of food left over and … it 's bold of me to say so … but if it was going to be wasted I know my cousins would feel the benefit .
8 But Coppell does not want a public slanging match , saying : ‘ People do n't know what the relationship is like , and it would be incorrect of me to say anything else .
9 ‘ But it would be indiscreet of me to say any more . ’
10 Well it would be irresponsive of me to say there 's a lesson for you in that !
11 ‘ It would be foolishly modest of me to say they will not be disappointed at all , ’ said Antony , ‘ but they are both very understanding .
12 I decided it was unfair of me to say anything , and that if you wanted the trip so badly you probably did n't want me .
13 Current Government policies seek to tackle the problem , and it would be churlish of me to say that the Government are not trying to come to terms with the unemployment problem .
14 ‘ It is n't very gallant of me to say so , ’ he added , softly kissing her fingertips , ‘ but the fact is , Marissa had decided that she wanted to be the second Mrs Wyndham — while I , my darling , was only interested in the first . ’
15 And I er I ca n't believe that you have n't er very presumptuous of me to put yes round your you know but you 'd left it er so but I 've no problem with that .
16 ‘ It was rash of me to promise when I 'm constantly so strapped for cash . ’
17 ‘ Clever of me to acquire such information , do n't you agree ? ’
18 I happen to know it but I think it would be wrong of me to disclose it tonight er this evening .
19 ‘ I hope you do n't think it strange of me to sit here , ’ said Reni .
20 I must admit , it was rather cruel of me to take advantage of your amiable nature .
21 ‘ Because you were so vulnerable , I felt it had been unfair of me to take advantage of you . ’
22 I 've always known that it would be wrong , almost criminal of me to take advantage of such innocence … ’
23 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
24 I 'm sure it 's very wrong of me to trouble you , but I am so worried , and I do n't know what else to do .
25 Given the excellence of the cause which benefits from the sales of ‘ Ruby Trax ’ and the generosity of the artists etc , etc , it would be churlish of me to rubbish individual tracks — although there are one or two here which have tempted me sorely — so I will pick out some highlights for you .
26 He said , ‘ It was careless of me to leave that one in the recorder .
27 That was my excuse to myself , although I knew it was wrong of me to leave only two unwounded men to guard the stockade .
28 It was also wrong of me to leave secretly , but that is what I did .
29 ‘ I need a human figure in front of me to paint ’ , he told Survage .
30 I suppose it was a little thoughtless of me to allow my scalpel to flash and flicker quite so close to Rory O'Hagan 's fly buttons .
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