Example sentences of "the first great " in BNC.

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1 Her recent television credits include leads in the series Buccaneer , The Professionals , The Consultant , Into the Labyrinth , Lytton 's Diary , Magnum , Seagull Island , and her film credits include The First Great Train Robbery , The Bitch , Morecambe and Wise 's Night Train to Murder , Miss Moneypenny in Never Say Never Again , Universal City , After Darkness , and she has just completed Salome , playing Herodias .
2 In order to succeed in their desire to pass on their property to their children , men first introduced the rule of monogamy and thus brought about the first great change .
3 He was 44 years old and he had already been acclaimed the First Great American painter .
4 Few of them were old enough to remember the first Great Famine of the 1840s , when Father Cavanagh had worked tirelessly to help the starving .
5 Historically , Karajan is a conductor of pivotal significance , steeped as a child and as a young man in music-making of the great Austro-German tradition , but the first great conductor to be reared in the twentieth century 's brave new technological age .
6 Napoleon III was occupied not only with these diplomatic endeavours but also with the mounting of the first great Universal Exhibition to be held in the French capital .
7 The PLO 's capture of the hearts and minds of those under occupation was the first great blow to Israel 's policy of normalization .
8 The first great influence from Sweden was the Fandangos Kennel .
9 The first great movement of the Holy Spirit was felt at a meeting held in Mr John Montgomery 's field in Edenderry where a young man was describing the work of God as he had seen it in Ballymena .
10 The first great unification
11 The first great observers of animal behaviour , such as Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen , stressed the need to observe meticulously how animals behave together in their natural environments .
12 I discovered that sitting very still for as long as possible was the first great secret .
13 For a few it is immensely strong , and the search for law or a great master at Bologna — for theology and Abelard at Paris — played its part in bringing students to distant schools in the early twelfth century , the first great creative age in the formation of medieval universities .
14 The first great white flakes had melted on the pavements , now it was falling thicker and faster , building up on the window ledges and in the cricks and crannies , turning to slush on the roads as the traffic churned through it .
15 The first great drops of rain splashed on the ground beside them as they ran .
16 The dominant factor , in relation to poor housing conditions , lack of proper sanitation , food shortages and growing unemployment , was the fact that the country had just emerged from the horrors of the First Great War .
17 The first great and acknowledged object of naval defence … is to maintain such a superior naval force at home , that even the united fleets of France and Spain may never be masters of the Channel …
18 As has been said , ‘ We love in as much as love was present in the first great affair of our lives ! ’
19 The first great motive for planting churches today is that we might reach the lost .
20 That the fathers took this view of the Divine Drama is not obvious , the reason being that if we look at the development of theology from the first Great Council of Nicaea ( AD 325 ) to the Council of Chalcedon ( AD 451 ) it is dominated by the disputes concerning the nature of the Holy Trinity and Christological issues .
21 Today we are supposedly living in the first great secular age of history ( though do we not still worship our own pagan idols — of money and success ? ) .
22 Or perhaps for a return to the first Great Awakening of the eighteenth century , when Jonathan Edwards thundered against the evils of the age .
23 In the early part of 1990 during the first great Ecstasy draught , Ketamine came to light in police analysis of seizures of tablets sold as Ecstasy in nightclubs in various parts of England and Scotland .
24 To those humans who , given mastery of space , preferred to vault across it than to linger in orbit and build there , Mars and its hurtling moons had been the first great benefit of the gift .
25 As the first great art patron of Manhattan , Reed had commissioned works from leading American painters of the day .
26 He handled and advised Tom Molyneux , the next black figure on the sporting scene , and actually fought until 181 5 , five years after the famous Molyneux-Cribb encounter , which Henderson describes as ‘ the first great fistic battle of the century ’ ( 1949 , p. 17 ) .
27 The first great public indication of the shift in Barth 's thinking came in 1927 , when he published the first volume of a projected Christian Dogmatics , which was intended eventually to handle in a systematic way all the main Christian doctrines .
28 As the development of the towns continued apace in the phase immediately before the building of the first great temples , there were crucial developments in the potters ' craft .
29 Relatively little is known of the first great temples , which were built between 2000 and 1900 BC and destroyed by earthquakes in 1700 BC , except that they stood on the same sites as the later temples .
30 From the First Great War .
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