Example sentences of "the first of " in BNC.

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1 He is the first of a long line of distinguished French portrait sculptors .
2 Salim leaves them , takes off on the first of a series of ‘ flights ’ , and treks to the interior , to a country which appears to be compounded of the Congo and of Uganda , in order to earn a living from a store which he has acquired from a man whose daughter he is expected to marry one day .
3 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
4 The first of these incidents occurred with the attempt to introduce a law on adoption .
5 The Harvest Holiday , as the report suggested , would be introduced in late October and would be the first of a series of changes to age-hold British holiday customs .
6 In the first of a two-part series , Michael Edwards selects wines which break the Italian mould
7 In 1953 , he was voted best actor and director for his theatre work , this was also the year in which he directed NAGARIK ( THE CITIZEN ) , the first of the eight feature films that he completed .
8 In the first of a new series , Richard Jackson of Radio 5 's Morning Edition looks at the quirky side of gardening life
9 To reduce these figures , two major national screening programmes have been introduced — the first of their kind in the European Community .
10 The first of the few blocks that can be used in competition to be considered are the slapping blocks .
11 Leonard was a natural choice for the first of the new series , both in bearing and background he represented , not merely McGill , but Canada itself ; he was accordingly approached .
12 In the first of three articles that follow the progress of a chair making project , Steve Goulden explains how he designs a chair , looking for robustness , comfort and elegance
13 The first of the new style Age Concern Forums , proposed by the Chairman 's Working Party , will be held on 30th October and is open to all Governing Body members to attend .
14 In November the first of these digests for the months July , August and September , will be available .
15 In making a decision on the first of the three cases cited , the Commissioner communicated with the Chief Executive of the National Health Service Management Executive , asking him about a health authority 's duty to provide continuing nursing care which is assessed as being needed , and which is not otherwise available .
16 A far cry from the £2 tray meal handed out on the first of the Scenic Land Cruise trains eight years earlier , in a decade of special-train running where sophistication got its chance — and left behind many ordinary folk for whom the railway ‘ excursion ’ is now but a fading memory .
17 He aimed to increase off-peak travel in particular by enhancing the quality of travel and station environment by ‘ Operation Pride ’ , a name coined to launch the quality improvement drive , and by new and imaginative marketing exercises , one of the first of which was a ‘ Network Day ’ on 21 June when over 200,000 people took advantage of the special £3 ticket enabling them to travel all day anywhere .
18 The first of these now widespread services began , in the summer of 1984 , between Chester and Newport , run by Gylee Enterprises ( whose ‘ operating manager ’ was a former Travellers-Fare station catering manageress ) .
19 ( Opposite below ) The first of the Class 47s — or Brush Type 4s as they were known when D1500 appeared in 1962 — still hard at work rom Gateshead depot in 1987. here No 47401 , as it is now numbered and carrying the name North Eastern which it both received and lost during the 1980s , nears Greenfield on a Trans-Pennine service , the 17.03 Liverpool to Newcastle on 19 June 1987 .
20 These dancers were placed in the first of Noverre 's categories .
21 Japanese The first of Ashton 's ballets in oriental style was Madame Chrysanthème , in which he utilised many traditional japanese gestures made more fascinating by emphasis of his dainty ballerina 's footwork .
22 It was the first of a range of ‘ year beers ’ .
23 ‘ It 's brilliant , a Verdon for bumblies ’ I had joyfully called down to Mick , on climbing the first of these pitches during an earlier attempt .
24 Mr Hamilton-Renwick won Best of Breed at Crufts in the early 1950s , with Birling Rachel , the first of the breed to attract serious interest .
25 Crime and Punishment takes its place in a perfectly obvious and open fashion among the international classics of naturalism ( or realism ) , and it is the first of his novels to do so : the earlier and great book The House of the Dead walks so close beside personal history as to rule itself out in this connection ; formally it is a freak , so I argued , a quasi-novel ; and as regards fact and fiction , since he is recounting not ‘ prophesying events ’ , Dostoevsky can not have found much in the Dead House to get excited about .
26 The first of these revelations which elucidate nothing is introduced as ‘ completely unthinkable but from another point of view and in one respect all too easy to envisage ’ .
27 In the first of a regular series , we bring together some of the practical designs and circuits which first appeared in the US magazine EDN .
28 Because of the practical difficulties in overcoming the first of these problems , I can not see , even if the price of the D-to-A converter were a few pence , Class D in its Reeves or Sandler guise making much progress .
29 The writer was Ford Madox Ford , who was among the most loyal as he had been among the first of Pound 's friends ; in the twenties he was as penurious and as out of fashion as Pound .
30 The first of these was written in 1928 and they number about 150 .
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