Example sentences of "the one [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But plasterwork was the one craft he continued all his life .
2 Hours worked by housewives in this sample ranged from forty-eight ( the one housewife who had a full-time job ) to 105 .
3 On any given strand , the bases can be in any order , but there are rules governing the pairing between the bases on the one strand and those on the other ; adenine always pairs with thymine , and guanine with cytosine .
4 Hezarfen , in his listing of the Seyhulislams , as distinct from his discussion of the history of the office where he takes a slightly different view , departs significantly in only one respect from Katib Celebi ( at least in so far as can be judged from the one manuscript ) , namely in his treatment of Abdulkerim and Molla Arab .
5 A more scurrilous comic innuendo comes with the fact that these two words can be ( and are in the one manuscript copy of this text ) turned into phonetic or graphic homonyms with anel , " ring " , with its sexual connotations as noted above .
6 ‘ That 's the one characteristic about you that might in fact be positive .
7 So far as Hinduism , the major Far Eastern religion , is concerned , there may be reference to many gods , but there is also a clear understanding that they are only large fish too , behind which lies a single , unifying absolute being not unlike the one substance in three persons of the Christian Trinity .
8 Many necessities of life were hard to find or more expensive than before the war ; even motor fuels , derived from the one substance the country possessed in abundance , rose in price as the war pursued its course .
9 It was the one pub where students could be guaranteed not to gather in jabbering crowds : the reason was the clientele .
10 All this was achieved at the cost of only two S.A.S. soldiers killed — Captain Roy Bradford and a trooper who was a mechanic for the jeeps , both casualties in the one incident — and seven men wounded .
11 At the end of the Mass there is a touching prayer as men go out into the world linking the sacrament of the one bread which binds all men in God with the bread and ale of human meeting : In the bidding prayers where the priest directs the people to pray and tells them what to pray for , probably after the offering and the anthem , again attention is directed to all estates of society , living and dead , including religious , both monastic and secular .
12 In late 1909 he also published a pamphlet , The One Life .
13 [ John Trevor , My Quest For God , 1897 , The One Life , 1909 , ‘ The Labour Church in Manchester ’ , New Era , 1892 , and ‘ The Labor Church : Religion of the Labor Movement ’ , Forum , 1895 ; C. H. Herford , Philip Henry Wicksteed , 1931 . ]
14 I was critical of the plans of the Burma Educational Service and government advisers to absorb Judson into the one system , and I hoped that through Judson Western members of staff might be able to continue to serve students when the process of Burmanising the University inevitably took place .
15 Different in theory , but similar in effect , are the provisions of the Prescription Act 1832 , under which rights to easements and profits à prendre may be established by reason of enjoyment for a period of not less than twenty years in the one case , and not less than thirty in the other .
16 Both areas will be far below optimum today but — and this is the important point — in the one case the land can be brought back to full production easily , whereas in the other case a long and costly process of fertility building will be necessary .
17 In the one case where small mammals were present , they were found not to be greatly modified .
18 A number of other graves containing coins have been added to the list since Åberg was writing in 1926 ( Rigold 1975 , pp. 69–70 ; Avent 1975 , p. 6 ; Rigold and Metcalf 1977 ) as well as the one case of coins from a single building at Mucking ( Rigold 1977 ) .
19 The one case in which the legality of nuclear weapons use has been pronounced upon directly is the Shimoda Case in Japan , in which judgment was given on 7 December 1963 .
20 But whatever criticisms might be directed at the Japanese judgment , it remains important as the one case in which a court has ruled on the legality of actual use of nuclear weapons .
21 The one case where another string was allowable is where the intended word are was recognised as ore .
22 : ‘ The word ‘ process ’ in the one case , and the word ‘ object ’ in the other produce a false grammatical attitude to the word . ’
23 In each case , Tab and Dez remain constant ( though secondary Tabs may change ) and the movement is simple ; but in the one case the movement produces no additional spatial information while in the other the spatial information changes at the end of the sign .
24 Even in the one case where independent evidence is claimed in the form of an abnormal enrichment in thin sedimentary layers of iridium and other platinum group metals , namely the much-publicized asteroid impact hypothesis for the end-Cretaceous extinctions ( Alvarez , Alvarez , Asaro & Michel , 1980 ) serious doubts have been raised by a careful analysis of some key palaeontological evidence ( Clemens , Archibald & Hickey , 1981 ) .
25 Both phenomena could , however , be results of the same underlying mechanism : a circumferential tension in the free edge of the epithelium , acting like a purse string , could drive in the one case the contraction of the isolated patch of skin , in the other case the closure of a wound .
26 The one case where a contested trial was covered by a range of newspapers indicated how the popular press focus on the potential fall of the near-famous and the introduction of gratuitous detail to titillate .
27 ‘ Sartre 's endeavour seems contradictory in the one case and superfluous in the other ’ ( 246 ) .
28 In the one case there may be a need to provide an explicit warning and a great deal of information concerning the proposed transaction .
29 In the one case of adoption observed from start to finish , the abandoned mother swam rapidly into the territory of the neighbouring pair of cichlids .
30 On the foregoing conditions the Goldsmiths ' Company will grant to the Corporation a lease of the School Buildings and Land connected therewith free of rent for 999 years , and will give them a perpetual endowment of £290 per annum in addition to the sum of £10 which they are bound to pay under the will of Sir Edmond Shaa ; but the Lease and the Endowment Grant shall contain clauses giving the Goldsmiths ' Company the right of re-entry in the one case and making the annuity to cease in the other on breach of any or either of the conditions above named . "
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