Example sentences of "the first year " in BNC.

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1 The first year you 're running on adrenalin and you 're going to take on the world .
2 As is my usual practice , I pruned the first year 's growth back hard to produce several stems instead of just one , and I have been well rewarded for my efforts .
3 Some babies affected like this die in the first year of their life , those who do not die can face a lifetime of handicap .
4 The first year after I moved in I found snails , morning after morning , an infantry of them , silvering across the damp lawn .
5 It is hoped that the first year 's crop of students will stay on at Hooke Park to help initiate a production plant there .
6 Rex was employed as a toy importer but had also been in wine importation before he joined Khai Eng full-time towards the end of the first year .
7 Within the Warwick structure students have the possibility of learning another language intensively from scratch in the first year , so they can read straightforward literary texts at the end of it .
8 Although he will take urgent steps to impose a new contract , which they have rejected , he has told the doctors ' and dentists ' pay review body that he is prepared to tackle any problems arising in the first year .
9 One source said : ‘ He gave an undertaking to the DDRB in his submission last week that we will monitor very closely the effects of the contract in the first year .
10 This was the first year since he became leader of his party six years ago that Mr Kinnock was relieved of his preoccupation with an ungovernable party and was able to turn his attention properly to the government of the country .
11 Mr Chapman is expecting to publish around 25 books in the first year , and could float the company within five years .
12 The Ford Pay claim coincides with negotiations at Vauxhall where leaders of the 9,000 manual workers have turned down a two-year offer giving 9.1 per cent in the first year and inflation plus £3 in the second .
13 It is not available in the first year of the policy and in the second year only £250 — about two hours ' worth for a top London matrimonial lawyer -will be met for each party .
14 They can expect an income return of 8.5 per cent in the first year .
15 Rupert Murdoch told the annual meeting in Adelaide : ‘ This may well be the first year in some years when our earnings do not show their customary increase . ’
16 But Mr Hunt told the conference that , instead of phasing the system out over four years , the cross-subsidy from gainers to high-spending areas which lose would be abolished after the first year .
17 The £156-a-year cap on losses is expected to help 6 million people in the first year of the poll tax .
18 The other plank of the announcement is that , after the first year , better-off councils will no longer have to contribute to the ‘ safety net ’ originally designed to ease the impact on those areas of the country which are set to lose .
19 If the trend continues , 1989 will be the first year in which UK companies have made more acquisitions in continental Europe than in the US .
20 Sir : Eurotunnel 's latest revenue forecasts for the first year of the tunnel 's operation are virtually unchanged from the forecasts made a year ago , and the long-term forecasts are up .
21 According to employee benefit specialists , Mercer Fraser , the cost of providing a creche for 75 children would be £590,966 in the first year with an ongoing cost of £290,966 a year .
22 But to provide Childcare Cheques would cost £250,200 in the first year with on-going costs of £206,200 a year .
23 The pilot scheme will involve shops in five selected villages for the first year , and if successful will be extended and developed for a further three years .
24 William Temple , while Archbishop of York , wrote in the York Quarterly , a journal which expired in the first year of the Second World War .
25 If an agent decides to invest in an act for the first year of its career , this band may not sign a record deal .
26 Within the first year of the 1987 Parliament a quarter of Conservative back-benchers rebelled against the government at least once .
27 There , she had been happy in Pakistan ; she had been happy in the Peckham house at least for the first year ; she had been happy working for Graham ; she 'd been enthusiastically interested at college and during the first two years after she had qualified ; she had been completely delighted when she had got the job she now had : a tenants ' association garden in a dreadful estate in Hackney , but where she , with a community group , had planned the garden from scratch and had made a small desert blossom like a rose .
28 You can either be very timid and start in a small way , building it up gradually and expecting to make a profit in the first year .
29 Production of the Continental R will begin in November , with only 70 units being allocated to each of Rolls-Royce 's four main territories — the UK , the United States , Europe and the Far East — in the first year .
30 Now fitted with the superior 2.9-litre engine , the latest cars will depreciate heavily in the first year — 48 per cent falls are the norm .
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