Example sentences of "the people [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They did not go so far as to learn the language of the peoples they studied , but they did spell out for later writers the ground rules of such research .
2 Russian concepts of suzerainty and subjection were not always the same as those of the peoples they were hoping to subdue .
3 Mead , like Malinowski , went to live among the peoples she was studying , observed their behaviour as a participant in the society , and combined this with some informal interviewing of members of the tribes that she studied closely .
4 He thought always much too easily , in highly unrealistic terms , of the peoples he ruled as a mere aggregate of individuals face to face with an absolute State .
5 There 's like this sort of disease , but no one mentions it ; everyone behaves as though it 's normal , y' know inevitable that there 's vandalism an , violence an , houses burnt out an' wrecked by the people they were built for .
6 The three stages of the exercise are : examination of personal values of the participants ; evaluation of existing services in the light of values expressed ; and a focus on ways of changing services so that carers can have access to ‘ valued lifestyles for themselves , as well as for the people they care for ’ .
7 These idealizations are referred to by Holdaway as the ‘ mental map ’ of the police ( 1983 : 63–4 ) , and he addressed the typifications Hilton 's police had of their area ( sites of ‘ danger ’ and ‘ trouble ’ , ‘ mump holes ’ , and so on ) , and the people they encountered ( ‘ challengers ’ , ‘ disarmers ’ , ‘ prisoners ’ ) .
8 English family relationships are said to be less strong than those of Asians , but most English people would be deeply shocked if their grandmother or grandfather , coming to visit them , or their young brother or sister , was held in detention by people with quasi-police powers , accused of lying and then sent back ; or if their husband or wife , coming to join them after a long separation , was further delayed for years and then told that they were not the people they claimed to be and hence had no right to come at all .
9 They have found a new enthusiasm for life , a new determination to be the people they are and behave as they will .
10 The health authorities are belatedly starting to explain their new role to the people they are supposed to serve .
11 But the bombardment of Tel Aviv has exposed another split , one that could , in time , prove just as dangerous to the allies : the division between Arab governments and the people they govern .
12 In order to have any remote chance of effective work they must learn the language , understand the culture and customs and identify in all kinds of ways with the people they wish to influence .
13 It just so happens that some people get taught or pick up techniques without too much problem ( because of circumstances and the people they interact with and learn from ) but some individuals simply do not get exposed to the right experiences to learn these things in quite the same way .
14 Early on , she demanded from each member a list of the people they had consulted during the previous three months .
15 ‘ It 's not right for politicians to offer a sanitised campaign cut off from the people they 're asking to elect them , ’ he said .
16 In general , the answers from different types of respondent did not differ all that widely and the variations that emerged seemed , for the most part , understandable in terms of the characteristics and circumstances of the people they were telling us about , although there did seem to be a tendency for the staff of homes to put a more rosy interpretation on situations .
17 Economic development , housing , health , social services , roads and public transport , education and planning are functions which should be devolved from Whitehall and brought nearer the people they most affect .
18 They should seem eager , anxiously expectant , but they merely sat waiting , apparently more concerned with their private conversations than with the people they had come to hear .
19 He should have made a point of looking at the evening coverage before doing his own piece ; but he 'd seen the people they 'd sent to the press conference at the hospital , dismissed them as unlikely to do a decent job on it , and promptly forgotten them .
20 The brutish , uncaring nature of the staff was conveyed as almost an inevitable necessity brought about by the institutionalisation of working in such a place ; just as the public will accept that prison warders will overstep the line from time to time because of the people they are dealing with .
21 Members would like the people they represent to be able to watch as much as they wish of their MPs at work , and whenever they wish , without being dependent on the editorial and journalistic selections of the broadcasters .
22 One approach is to hire a sociologist to peer into the black box ( the quotation from Heusch 1981 : 423 , and p. 46 in this book about the role of the sociologist is apposite here ) , in a similar way to anthropologists who sought to tell colonial administrators how to avoid irritating the people they governed ( although , according to Feuchtwang 1973 , the administrators did not take much notice of what they had to say ) .
23 Both men took , grave risks in the roles they adopted and could well have been attacked had their disguises been broken by the people they lived with .
24 Of course , experts do tend to have their personal biases and the researchers must be cautious about what they accept as information from the people they interview .
25 Any transition from bearing witness to holding power , however limited , will probably alienate the idealistic Green rank and file from the people they have elected .
26 And everyone knew of the people they 'd bitten , like the man who went mad — wandering round the village in search of water , complaining of aching limbs and an unquenchable thirst — and whose body was found , months later , washed up in the river at Lāmri .
27 She had never been to Hereford before , had never even met the people they were going to visit and — being just four years old and as yet unable to read — could never have learnt about the district from a book .
28 Governments , said Shaw , get the people they deserve .
29 Their pleasures come from their achievements in the sport and the people they have met .
30 Wolfgang 's letters home to his mother and sister are full of childish prattle about the places they visited and the people they met , such as the remarkable singer Lucrezia Aguiari — ‘ La Bastardella ’ — who could dispatch incredibly high notes with effortless ease .
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