Example sentences of "the other [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With respect to certain of the other temporary workers whose use we studied in more detail , it was not their employment status which was of interest but the way in which their " temporariness " was distinguished [ see Chapter 7 ] .
2 Despite the other millions out of work .
3 Delete this reference , point four does not apply to access by telephone , take up Carolines point that we need for access when we 've got through the other continuous a brief statement which says , the project planning procedure does n't totally apply until .
4 If , as I understand it from what you have just said , you 're relying on Jenny to write a procedure , which is gon na cover all of the other continuous things and you 're gon na get that ready by this particular date if you , the suseption was that it simply wo n't occur .
5 And it 's not going to , I mean John is right , it , the T G I one that Jenny writes , what is , it will not cover the other continuous jobs .
6 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
7 The sample breaks down into three clear sub-groups , and adding in the other fourteen boys would not change this picture .
8 The other fourteen are a little older .
9 I 'm actually going to recommend that you regard these things as codes , and that you only put twelve of these actually into your active binder and put the other fourteen in a storage binder as spares .
10 Without the volume and geographical spread of games offered by the other 70 Football League clubs , the channel would be a non-starter .
11 This is seen as essential to FTC 's plans for a 24-hour channel devoted exclusively to football because of the volume and geographical spread of games offered by the other 70 Football League clubs .
12 Stokenchurch Dog Rescue and Welfare Society is always looking for voluntary dog walkers , blankets , towels and newspaper , as well as much needed finance so that they can continue to care for the other 70 dogs they have in their kennels at present .
13 More generally , however , this tort has been said to be the genus of which the other unlawful means torts ( intimidation and interference with contract and conspiracy where unlawful means are involved ) are species .
14 It is still very unsure whether West Malling can be totally saved from the axe , but concerted efforts are being made behind the scenes by various parties , for not only West Malling but the other 72 threatened airfields in the UK .
15 In the course of these policies , one or the other restrictive practice has been singled out as the root cause of our ills — resale price maintenance , clearing banks ' cartel , trade unions — the cry has been for their removal .
16 A band that rages across the rock firmament with such intensity that they can not be easily assimilated into the serried ranks of all the other homogenous contenders .
17 The operation lag More time may elapse before the activated policy instruments exert their full impact on targets and then employment , prices , and the other macroeconomic objectives .
18 In the main there has been little work to evaluate the effects of the other demographic and economic factors listed in table 6.2 .
19 Secondly it is necessary to consider the effect on the other car-producing manufacturers in the UK .
20 The other beneficial effects of these fish oils have already been observed above .
21 To encourage the others — the other liberal and democratic elements in Eastern Europe to keep their heads down .
22 According to William Wykeham , in the foundation charter of his College at Winchester , it was " the foundation , gate and source of all the other liberal arts . "
23 These provisions are rather awkwardly drafted as a result of the need to accommodate both the use of the system of Central Authorities and the other permitted modes of transmission .
24 I 'd spent most of it with the other two , one bad and the other indifferent , now I 'd come across a good one and fate gave us four years together , that 's all .
25 The position of the ontological idealist is that the " physical world " is merely a modification of non-physical reality , and consequently that , in the strictest sense , there are no non-mental phenomena ( although " mental " has to be taken here in a very broad sense ) ; whereas the classical dualist view is that there are two fundamentally distinct types of phenomena , one physical the other mental , which though irreducibly different are nevertheless ontologically on a par .
26 The other mental elements in ss.15-16
27 • For the accumulator winning claims , the first two correct claims on the telephone claim line will each win a car , the next three correct claims received will each win a holiday in Hawaii and the other correct claims all receive Olympus Trip S cameras .
28 Julian had a humbler conception of her task than the other prophetic reformers I have mentioned , who all experienced God as an absolute imperative to action and felt that they had a mission to defy the religious and secular establishment of their day .
29 Meantime , from the scanty evidence of his coins , Caratacus established himself in the territories of the Atrebates and Regini , the other Roman allies .
30 Either the money was earmarked for some special project like the building of the temple to Athena Nike , goddess of victory , a way of saying ‘ we have won the war against Persia ’ or else Athena was refused her one-sixtieth part , for symbolic reasons , the other fifty-nine sixtieths being paid in the usual way .
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