Example sentences of "the year as " in BNC.

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1 This year 's chairman of the Pimlico Connection , Giancarlo Marcheselli , was curious to know what teaching would be like , and thought it would be a way of doing something useful to complement the years as a student ‘ where everything you do is for yourself ’ .
2 Museums will have the first pick of a huge art mountain which has been allowed to accumulate over the years as the result of an income support scheme for artists which was stopped in 1984 .
3 But over the years as an organization we 've grown organically and geographically quite significantly , such that while in the U K we 're in Harrogate and Basingstoke , we have an ever increasing presence in North America , Europe , the Far East and Australasia .
4 Railway buffs have watched in horror over the years as the office crumbled into an eyesore .
5 The more sophisticated provincial dealers tried to acquire the new denomination at the end of the year as a means of hoarding .
6 Laszlo Csaba , an economist at Budapest 's Institute for Market Research , predicts that trade will recover later in the year as the opportunities for profit overcome bureaucratic obstruction .
7 Germany 's current account , which shifted into deficit in January , is also likely to be near balance for the year as a whole , while Japan 's current-account surplus is now running at a quarter of its 1986 level .
8 In 1991 the problems were at National Environmental Testing , the United States pollution testing arm , which fell into the red in the second half and broke even over the year as a whole .
9 Later this month , it will announce an operating profit for the first quarter of 1992 , the second quarter running in which it has been profitable : the last quarter of 1991 produced a small profit of $80 million , although the year as a whole showed a $1.4 billion loss on turnover of $8.6 billion .
10 So the water table is not at a constant level , but rises and falls during the year as the amount of water stored in the aquifer increases and decreases .
11 Thus herbage seeds can not be sown as early or as late in the year as the cereals so frequently used as cover or nurse crops .
12 With some of the debt paid off each month , and more credit extended , in the year as a whole credit cards might finance several billion pounds ' worth of shopping .
13 This required every Elf to spend at least part of the year as part of a military force , and to provide wargear for himself .
14 Metrologie International SA , Paris , reported yesterday that turnover for 1992 slumped 35% to the equivalent of $470m , and that turnover from continuing operations fell 23.6% in the last quarter and 15.7% in the year as a whole ; it has not yet totted up its loss for 1992 .
15 That ethnic allegiance can swing support was illustrated by the defection to the NRC last week of Chukwuemeka Ojukwu , who led the attempt to create an independent Biafra in the 1960s , although he had stood earlier in the year as a candidate for the SDP .
16 For the year as a whole its output is likely to fall by 1.5% .
17 In the first of a two part series , MIRANDA FELLOWS takes a look at the art scene in Dublin , as it works its way through the year as European City of Culture .
18 For the year as a whole , the deficit in sterling terms was up by three quarters from $120.2m to $210.5m .
19 John Padmore joined the company earlier on in the year as U.K. fleet manager .
20 It 's not a good idea to include the year as part of the file name as well , because you might accidentally copy some files into the wrong directory .
21 Two days later Horst Teltschik ( CDU ) announced that he would be stepping down at the end of the year as Kohl 's foreign policy adviser at the Chancellery .
22 Industrial production fell by 1.4 per cent over the year as a whole , whilst inflation averaged 6.1 per cent , the highest level for nine years .
23 Although the figure rose in the latter half of the year as the Gulf crisis drove up oil prices , the growing recession in November and a fall in the volume of oil imports saw the deficit fall to $9,700 million , and to $6,300 million in December .
24 Consumer prices in the period January-March 1991 rose by 20-30 per cent in comparison with the same period in 1990 , with much higher inflation expected later in the year as a result of the April official price increases .
25 The French government announced on April 8 that it was suspending its nuclear weapons testing programme for the remainder of the year as a gesture towards halting the process of nuclear proliferation .
26 All of our businesses have maintained or improved their market shares as managers we concentrate on the full year rather on either half and because of our seasonal bias er , those of you who 've been , er , to our interim presentations before er , will remember that without fail I tell you our results at the half-way stage are not a clear guide to the outcome of the year as a whole .
27 We closed down the Calgary office during the year as part of our planned withdrawal from thee Alberta market .
28 Notwithstanding the deterioration in the world economic situation , coupled with the Gulf Crisis , the directors intend , in the absence of unforeseen circumstances , to recommend a final dividend of 5.4p per share making a total of 9.0p ( 8.3p ) for the year as forecast at the time of the Rights Issue .
29 This was n't sufficient to make up the ground lost in the first half and the outcome for the year as a whole , you now see .
30 Extraordinary profits , you may be surprised to see are only twelve point nine million after the Elserver sale but that is a function of the write back of good will on the disposal of Elserver which you will see explained in the preliminary statement , thus reducing the er , profit from two hundred and twenty nine million , which was the estimate at the interim , to thirty five million for the year as a whole .
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