Example sentences of "the [noun prp] in " in BNC.

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1 At Waddington , Tim Taylor has organised an exhibition of maquettes and drawings by Henry Moore ( 3 June-4 July ) at a time when international interest in his work appears to be reviving , with current exhibitions taking place in Sydney and in the Garden of the Bagatelles in Paris .
2 No laughing matter Mary Kelly and family hit the Manhattan in Belfast 's Bradbury Place
3 American style restaurants usually cater well for children so The Manhattan in Bradbury Place looked an ideal spot and they did have a kiddies ' menu .
4 His most recent ideas for stage sets were seen at the recent production of Hölderlin 's ‘ Oedipus ’ at the Schauspielhaus in Bochum .
5 Despite all their expectations ( and ample campaign funds ) they did not do much better than the GCP in 1954 .
6 Pat McWilliams who won the Ladbroke in 1991 on another former Scott horse , The Iliad , also used Homer 's stables as a springboard to the sort of fame he achieved at Cheltenham later that year when he stormed home on Destriero to land legendary gambler Noel Furlong a ‘ touch ’ estimated at around £1m .
7 In every group of 100 NSEs and 100 SEs between 2 and 4 SEs are more likely to graduate and obtain good degrees than the SEs in four of the five institutions .
8 Ophioplinthaca has been chosen as type genus because it shows the greatest and therefore most unambiguous development of the characters which separate this subfamily from the others but from the Ophiacanthinae in particular .
9 The newspaper Moscow News reported on June 11 that a local KGB ( State Security Committee ) official had confirmed that the graves in a forest outside Kharkov , uncovered in April , contained the remains of Polish officers interned at the camp run by the NKVD ( the KGB 's forerunner ) at Starobelsk , as well as the remains of Soviet citizens executed by the NKVD in the Stalinist purges before the Second World War .
10 According to a report by the Aug. 13 Working Group published on June 14 around 70,000 people died in internment camps run by the NKVD in Eastern Germany in 1945-50 .
11 The contention that ‘ unemployment dominated every municipal election at least until 1937 , and lay at the heart of discussions within the LLP ’ is difficult to reconcile with the detailed programmes promoted by the LLP in London County Council ( LCC ) or local elections ( see , for example , Labour News , February and April 1925 ) .
12 The Scala in the 1960s showed all-night horror films .
13 It was erected in the entrance tower of the Carrara Palace at Padua in 1344 , but was destroyed in the assault on that town by the Milanese in 1390 .
14 DAVE HILL began his career as a contributor to the NME in 1981 , moving swiftly on to become music editor at London 's City Limits listings magazine .
15 I suppose the early days were more exciting to write about , distance lends enchantment and when you 're younger , things have more impact on your life , ’ he told the NME in September 1988 .
16 Immediate Svengali Andrew Loog Oldham with two sleeve-design awards presented to him by the NME in 1969
17 Underestimated in England , because everywhere Kingmaker have visited abroad has taken the NME 's word as gospel — far more seriously than people do who read the NME in England .
18 EVEN THOUGH there has been a copy of the NME in The Kabin every week since 1974 , no-one has ever bought one .
19 ‘ Sounds absolutely f—ing terrible ! ’ says an £80 per week toilet cleaner reading the NME in Scunthorpe .
20 The US Defence Department ( Pentagon ) confirmed on July 29 that it had agreed to sell arms , including laser-guided bombs , worth US$365,000,000 to Saudi Arabia , a move following the announcement by the Pentagon in early July of plans to sell the kingdom $473,000,000 worth of army jeeps and aircraft support services .
21 When Sunderland came to the Manor in the league in December less than 2,000 Weirsiders saw them lose 3-0 .
22 When Ivan IV had himself crowned as Tsar or Caesar of All the Russias in 1547 , he took care to combine the claims of his predecessors as Grand Dukes of Muscovy to be Protectors of Orthodoxy , following the fall of Constantinople , with his own position as heir to the territorial gains made by his immediate predecessors Ivan III and Vasily III .
23 I am able to return to that blessed hump between the Severn and the Wye in ways which , in logic , Miller is prevented from enjoying .
24 Coracles using nets were banned from the Wye in the twenties .
25 The file will contain cultural , economic , political and social data from various national sources for the period between the 1960s and 1985 for 18 countries at a level of aggregation equivalent to Eurostat Level 3 , for example , the Departement in France , the county and Metropolitan Borough in Britain , the Fylke in Norway , the Provincia in Italy , and so on .
26 Thus in Norway , employers see it as a mechanism providing for industrial peace , whereas according to the CGT in France it is a form of class struggle ( Schregle , 1981 ) .
27 The next day the CGT in Dijon supported a student demonstration , against the instructions of head office .
28 The Prai seat , won by the DAP in the 1990 elections , was taken by the Malaysian Indian Congress , a BN component .
29 In her formal county role , she also oversees and directs the performance of the DCSLs in the project , a significant duty since the responsibility for the Minor Project is largely delegated to them .
30 5.4.8 Finally , an interesting issue is raised by the activities of the DCSLs in the two schools described above .
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