Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 So the Nikkei has two years or so to rise the 20–50% needed to bail the issuers out .
2 Canvassers who normally get the forms back after a maximum of four visits to any household are now having to return seven or more times before the people hand back the completed form .
3 Ruth Batsford , of the council 's electoral registration office , said : ‘ We really do n't have an explanation why people are n't sending the forms back .
4 Well I filled all the forms in and that
5 Mr Smith said : ‘ It is more than anything a question of contacting them and getting the forms out .
6 one 's like this but the problem we hit this year er , we did n't do it that early was the kids had got the forms out then the timetable and the financing came in and we did n't know what was happening
7 I bus-hopped down to Covent Garden to start putting the feelers out for Werewolf .
8 Early suggested people was just checking him out , finding out what 's going on they 'd send the feelers out .
9 He said : ‘ It is not a time limited offer but we will be sending the contracts out and expecting a response to them . ’
10 They get you over the weekend yeah , so erm , we 'll just have to see what happens and have , just have the contracts out .
11 The true value of bringing the experts in is it shows the boys what limits can be reached
12 We 'll keep the crowds back as you wash your dirty linen in public .
13 They came from all over Gloucestershire for a typical Victorian day out … a trip on a steamer to the seaside resort of Ilfracombe.Six hundred and fifty climbed aboard the Balmoral at Lydney dock … making the most of the chance of a lifetime.After all the last pleasure boat to attract the crowds down to Lydney dock for a trip to Devon was the paddle steamer Ravenswood in 1893 .
14 The September trains ran to and from Aberystwyth and brought the crowds out .
15 back down the road … and further Solar Flair is still going … they 've cracked it at last … and are up to forty five miles an hour … next stop is Adelaide the city that closes its streets to grand prix cars … today … the roads are open and the crowds out to welcome them in …
16 The Dwarfs were hard pressed at first , but eventually saw the Orcs off with the help of their formidable cannons .
17 He added : ‘ Will he now take action to reactivate our shipyards so that the nation may once again fund the sort of merchant fleet that should be the priority of a maritime nation , and put the seamen back to work ? ’ .
18 The reasons for this decentralising movement towards the growth of workplace bargaining activity in Western European countries have been in part economic , as a result of generally high employment and continuous economic growth in the post-war years to the mid-1970s along with a varying capacity to pay of separate employers .
19 In seconds , a pack of police , twenty deep , was fighting a shower of stones to hold the pickets back .
20 They just energetically throw the pebbles around , and big pebbles and small pebbles respond differently to this treatment so they end up at different levels of the beach .
21 I walked back a bit and found a shiny black bollard — capstan they call it , do n't they , where they tie the ropes round .
22 When they were close enough they threw the ropes up to the men at the front of the crowd , and all of them pushed from behind .
23 They 've now taken the ramps out , which is a breach of the planning condition again , so we intend to pursue them on that , and they are offering , believe it or not that disabled people can be taxied from one side of the station to the other side of the station .
24 They should have got the solicitors in and said ‘ look you 've no rights to have been here , you walked on this common land without any permission at all , you built these places without you 've got cars park and everything ’ , and now I listen to the story where the council says they 're going to run it etc. etc and etc , well what the people want , they want it cleared up , they want it back to where it was , we do n't want somebody running another business out there , this is the idea of getting him off .
25 I think maybe she jammed the anchors on , because the car did n't sail out into space or anything . ’
26 but it 's not such a nice stool as this , it has n't got the knobs on like that .
27 I 'm stood at the tee throwing the clubs up in the air and whooping away and he just turns to me and says , ‘ Do n't get too excited , Jacky .
28 While cost cutting elsewhere , Wear Valley will give the clubs up to £8,000 apiece to help meet new League ground regulations with the proper proviso that they first raise a similar amount themselves .
29 Ralph stood up and controlled the flames around and beckoned for the team to run quickly to the staircase .
30 After a few heart-stopping moments the old engine coughed into life , and he managed to accelerate the loaded vehicle through the flames out to safety .
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