Example sentences of "the [adj] even " in BNC.

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1 That makes you a full member , it gives you the right to vote , it gives you the right to stand for public office , it gives you the right even to hold public office .
2 After all , back in the Thirties even the holiday posters would tell of ‘ Healthful Hartlepool — the most bracing air in the kingdom ’ .
3 Okay there might be in all sorts of ways , in terms of equality , in terms of socialism , it 's , it 's all a bit dubious erm but the other reason for taxing down is that , let's face it , the majority of peasants as we , as we saw last week are still poor and if the Communist Party is wanting to maximize its revenue , if it was gon na say okay we 're not gon na tax anybody at under six or eight hundred erm you , you 're gon na take out er half the population and you would have to get that income by taxing the rich even harder and that would be a disincentive .
4 The temptation is always to deny this rather than confront it , to revert to plans on paper , stick with the safe rather than the exciting even if , at the end of the day with this route , little is achieved .
5 Once upon a time when I used to read , or hear , about all the exciting even exotic things that apparently all other retired people got up to I used to think ‘ That 's for me !
6 The British even , at the eleventh hour , went so far as to change the rules to allow a republic , by definition owing no allegiance to the British Crown , to be a member .
7 The French even have a special name for them — ‘ Franglais ’ words !
8 In 1973 the Ladies ' Committee concerned itself with this seat reporting ‘ It was a pity to leave it in the wet even if only there for the time being ’ .
9 The tainted places near the mountains are shunned by all but the boldest Elves for lurking evil can strike the unwary even here .
10 Ehrenpreis 's approach , while fruitful in some respects , tends to treat the poor as an object to be observed from the outside even if it is with ‘ rapt interest ’ .
11 He ignores information on the left even though he has no left visual field loss .
12 The Soviet Union had remained a Utopian ideal to the Left even during the vicissitudes of the late 1920s and the collectivization and famine during the First Five Year Plan .
13 In the case of Estella however her appearances are n't really deceiving as she looks arrogant and proud and has proud eyes though she really changes for the better even though it occurred because of her treatment by Bentley Drummle and in the end like Pip , she is wiser and has been softened by her experiences and lost her proud eyes and air .
14 The north should stop tut-tutting about juridical lapses or dictatorial ways and instead do something about the low commodity prices and the debt burdens that make the poor even poorer .
15 But there was to be no happy ending , as first Barwick and then Treleaven beat his mark by a stroke , the latter even bogeying his last hole , the 18th , after his drive found the trees .
16 They outstay , outnumber and invariably outmanoeuvre the elected and less intellectually endowed political elite , should the latter even contemplate acting against the ‘ powers that be ’ .
17 For , after all , it was not humility that restrained her from believing herself to be at first sight infinitely interesting , for she believed herself to be the equal even of Clelia Denham : it was simply a deference to the law of probability .
18 And then you 've got the like even the stickers
19 The first is that , if the Rokkaku is a real handful and pitches over from the vertical even when a steady pull is made on the flying line , then extend the upper section of the single line bridle connector by slipping the Lark 's Head knot down You will then have lowered the towing point relative to the sail .
20 The Chinese even suggested to Kissinger during the years of backdoor diplomacy before Nixon 's visit to Peking in 1971 that his channel to Peking via Bucharest was far from secure : Ceauşescu kept Brezhnev informed .
21 After the 1987 World Cup , the 31-year-old even played club rugby with Auckland University .
22 A band like that survived because of the existence of indie labels that kept going in the Eighties even though many of their major acts like The Smiths , and now The Fall and Blue Aeroplanes , deserted them for the majors .
23 As Chapman observed : ‘ Although I do not suggest that the Arsenal go on the defensive even for tactical purposes , I think it may be said that some of their best scoring chances have come when they have been driven back and then have broken away to strike suddenly and swiftly . ’
24 That 's okay , if the premium was due on the first even though , if , if we 'd done the erm the recall before the status report runs it will show that as being in arrears ?
25 It is particularly interesting in the way that it counters the widely held view that Los Alamos was dragging its feet over the development of the Super even after the presidential directive in early 1950 for a crash programme towards producing a hydrogen weapon .
26 ‘ Still , I suppose to the uneducated even a degree in Liberal Arts is impressive . ’
27 When they were given a choice between a familiar and a novel member of the opposite sex , birds might actually choose the familiar even when the novel really did not look so very different to our eyes ( Miller , 1979 ; Bateson , 1980 ; Slater & Clements , 1981 ) .
28 Cricket is the only even vaguely athletic endeavour I involve myself in , unless you count walking the dog or grovelling to my bank manager , so if I am forced to give up the game by the purchase of these new sightscreens , my fitness will suffer .
29 The only even superficially attractive argument from the names in favour of his view is the implicit one that " Fenari-oglu " is used in the former case but not in the latter .
30 The same even goes for the JP233 , arguably the most useful offensive weapon of the war so far .
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