Example sentences of "the [noun] because " in BNC.

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1 Without this element , there would be no way of excluding planned revenge killings , and the argument is that they should be excluded from the defence because a person who plans a response to an affront or a wrong ought to ensure that the response conforms with the law .
2 After reviewing the subpoenaed material Greene ruled on Jan. 30 , 1990 , that much of it was not relevant but that a number of diary entries for dates in 1985 and 1986 should be made available to the defence because they " may show what types of aid President Reagan thought could legally be provided for … the contras " .
3 Stimulus B will then be able to evoke the response because it too possesses c elements .
4 The Americans say they are surprised at the response because they do n't think the difference of opinion is worth all the fuss it is causing .
5 It may be argued that although the settlor was resident in the United Kingdom within s663(5) he would not be chargeable to tax on the income because it was not remitted to the United Kingdom ( see s663(5) ) .
6 but should you have , should you have doubts about that my Lord then er what we urged your Lordship to do would be in your judgment er to include a consideration of the strength of the case er your Lordship is seized of the matter now , if your Lordship er considers that there are issues of law which require clarification from the European court of justice and in competition cases all the European court candid on references is to give guidance on questions of law , your Lordship identifies questions of law which need to be i which need to be resolved and you think that it is the most appropriate course to refer a question , then we would ask that your Lordship consider in the interim the position of the , the Lloyds Act clauses there are sort to be challenged by the defences because it will be
7 ‘ We 've been stopped from coming into the Park because of people throwing paper and things on to the ground . ’
8 K : ‘ The evenings are a very special time but I ca n't take Chloe to the park because there is a hostel for down-and-outs by it and they sit on the park benches drinking and shouting abuse .
9 It seemed he held all the cards — there were other agencies who could handle his business , and if he denied Grantham and Marsh the opportunity because of her stubbornness how could she explain it to Sebastian ?
10 Football merely provides the opportunity because a match is taking place but if they we if the football matches were n't taking place those criminal acts would be committed in another context .
11 But unfortunately , they are not getting the opportunity because of er some of the management failings means that they 're not actually getting the contracts to which they 're entitled .
12 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
13 In Butler the seller lost the battle of the forms because he was careless and failed to make his last document a counter-offer instead of an acceptance .
14 for the Water Board so he 's got quite a good job you know , but erm , I 'm , we could n't afford to put the other through the apprentice because I mean you had n't got the money had you then
15 That provision was placed in the contingency because it was un felt it was unclear at the time , what the effect on costs would be , of the sale of link waste .
16 Now I do n't expect you to play like the pros because we spend many hours working on every aspect of our game .
17 If they 're in here working all day and everyday and they see the other girls taking exams and they know I 'm going to make them work , quite often they 'll take the exams because there 's no point in not taking them , whereas I think if they were at home they would not have the same incentive .
18 Okay let's see your essays spend er twenty or thirty minutes talking about the essays and the remainder of the tutorial talking about er the exams because this is the last time I see you before your exams in the tutorial anyway erm so just a few hints and tips on exam technique .
19 Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the purported customers an excuse not to pay back the credit .
20 You 've said before that you were put off trumpet , and that you were drawn to the guitar because it was the instrument that your parents most feared .
21 He was really concerned for the crowds because he knew that he was their only hope .
22 It was impossible to conduct a real argument with the Sechem because they were above all the interpreters and arbiters of the Yasa , the authority on the law to whom men turned when they were in dispute .
23 And it 's not fair to say it 's because of the beard because the beard 's not my fault , they just did n't shave in the jungle in whatever century it 's going to be when we get there and I know I grew it early but that 's the way I am , I like to start thinking myself into the part as soon as possible .
24 ‘ I was at the NME because of punk rock really , ’ he says blandly .
25 I 'd never thought of myself as working at the NME because I was in awe of it ; I used to read it all the time , Tony Tyler , Charles Shaar Murray and people like that .
26 I do n't know whether , whether it might 've been worthwhile just questioning a bit more about the the link because he was obviously very keen on it
27 He is not impressed by the Prince because of who he is , but because of the man he is : because of his gift for talking to people , his tenacity and his courage in confronting problems that other men would shy away from .
28 Before reaching London , Gloucester apparently wrote to the council and to the city 's mayor , explaining that he had taken possession of the prince because the circle around the boy had been inimical to the safety of king and kingdom .
29 Before reaching London , Gloucester apparently wrote to the council and to the city 's mayor , explaining that he had taken possession of the prince because the circle around the boy had been inimical to the safety of king and kingdom .
30 Are they leaking from the base because the mastic has worn away ?
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