Example sentences of "her [vb base] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So , hoisting her bag over her shoulder with an element of pride that for a brief moment made her lose sight of how important it was to try and pin him down for an interview , she made for the door .
2 But seeing Damien made her lose concentration and before she knew what was happening she found herself boxed in yet again .
3 The illusion that she was a spectator , and this was the play , was making her lose touch with reality ; and making her forget the enormity of her present predicament .
4 I was working her hard by now , trying to make her lose control .
5 Putting her knead cake down in the kitchen , she went back to her own home through the streets where already black crepe banners were being hung from every window .
6 The fits stopped her from being able to drive and made even daily chores like shopping difficult as they made her develop amnesia .
7 His technique was extraordinary , but not extraordinary enough to make her forget reality .
8 cease her give way wow , ma what ?
9 But it is unlikely that polo-playing Major Hewitt would want to embarrass the princess by making her give evidence in front of the world 's press .
10 Sentencing Fisher Mr Justice Judge said of the rape of the pahrmacist ’ No one who saw her give evidence will forget her visible revulsion as she described what happened . ’
11 It will help her attract support for the Thatcher Foundation — the means by which she hopes to preserve her legacy .
12 I heard her tell Mum the news that she was getting married .
13 She asked me to help her get hold of some of this new wonder drug , penicillin .
14 But her own light-heartedness made her feel tawdry .
15 But to complain that its effect was therefore paralysingly glum would no more have occurred to her as fair than to complain that it made her feel fat .
16 And then , at four-thirty when she was just contemplating going off shift , a call came in on the red phone that made her feel cold inside .
17 Perhaps she sought some prolongation of that feeling of joy and unity and excitement , the festival holiday feeling , the warm inclusion , yes , even being embraced by those formidable satiny bosoms and kissing the soft powdery cheeks of the old women , had made her feel part of it all .
18 Robyn swallowed , tried to regain some of the antagonism , but his eyes , unfathomable and hypnotic , made her tremble , made her feel time had stood still .
19 Thus , though she had little intention of responding more than politely to any of the advances , she enjoyed the game : it made her feel human .
20 The chinless type who made her feel ill-bred ;
21 Made her feel light , buoyant , as airy as those soft spring clouds .
22 Danjit 's hand unsealed the front of her suit in the shadow-hung warehouse in front of everybody and she could do nothing about it , but his lascivious toying with her breast and the perverted obscenities he whispered in his garlic-and-beer breath could n't make her feel terror now .
23 She paid for my mother to take French lessons and helped her find work as a seamstress with various drapers in the city .
24 Madeleine would accompany Grégoire to Paris for a while , to help him adjust , and then — when she felt ready , when Grégoire felt ready — Edouard would help her find training and work .
25 Also Margo Macdonald in her Ask Margo series explained more about arranging funerals .
26 Let me add that it is this very spur … which has made her choose anorexia in preference to , say , toxicomania or obesity , two conditions that spell surrender to her own greed .
27 I was n't going to let her take Antoinette too . ’
28 So Ruth wrote at once , asking Maria to postpone her visit and bidding her take care of herself .
29 I would have the food in my hand — hence all the effort to make her take food from me at home — and I made sure she could see it , however much I loosened her leash .
30 The fact that she was known to be on a special complex carbohydrate diet designed to help her regain weight did n't help matters .
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