Example sentences of "her [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As she moves , the ears on her legs keep her oriented in the direction of the call .
2 He took her with him on his visit because he could n't bear to let her disappear without finding out more about her .
3 The woman busied herself in the kitchen and produced a plate piled high like a cairn with potatoes , and a huge pot of tea , and then resumed her knitting by the fire opposite her husband .
4 The first stage of Dawn 's training was to make her sit on my fist properly , which meant getting her used to people , and to wearing the jesses and swivel and everything that had caused Barny to go berserk .
5 Made her sit on the sofa , poured a glass of brandy .
6 Every evening he made her sit with him and ordered her to say to him , ‘ You are very handsome , my lord . ’
7 Dr Neil registered how withdrawn she was , and once they were back home hot , sugary tea was poured down her in a constant stream , and then , despite the warmth of the day , Matey put a shawl around her shoulders and made her sit near the fire .
8 Well perhaps there was n't room for her sit in the back !
9 A few minutes earlier Ruth would have welcomed the idea of everyone going off to sleep ( not that Sean showed any sign of doing so ) as an opportunity for her to indulge in her own thoughts , but the fits of uninhibited laughter had restored her to something nearer to normality , and at last she was present with her companions in mind as well as in the flesh .
10 But he certainly was n't going to encourage her to indulge in nerves or old memories .
11 Although the radio monitoring system used by Siobhan Fahey allowed her to indulge in some frenzied dancing during the songs , it did her no favours in the vocal projection stakes .
12 When the mother complained of a headache she was given an overdose of anti-depressants and tranquillisers which caused her to lapse into unconsciousness .
13 Let her make of it what she would .
14 At her first appearance in the rose pink blouse , her father 's eyebrows and icy glower had caused her to redden under his gaze but for once , her mother 's slight head-shake had caused Jonadab to bite his tongue and he had made no comment to Martha .
15 For example one woman set fire to her kitchen accidentally and the carer , her neighbour , realised that it would not be safe for her to remain at home ; another carer , a husband , found himself becoming so stressed that he struck his wife ; he then requested institutional care .
16 For example : I expect her to obey me when I make a reasonable request or command , so that , if ( say ) I ask her to remain at the table until she 's finished her meal , she does so without endless arguments or fits of temper .
17 Now that Hilary was three years old , Stephen had made it clear to his own mother that the necessity for her to remain at the Manor was past .
18 Eliza was now six months pregnant , and Lady Franklin extended a ‘ pressing invitation ’ to her to remain at Government House for the rest of her confinement .
19 The judge will decide whether to grant a ‘ residence order , ’ allowing her to remain at her new home .
20 By now her hiding-place had become far too dangerous for her to remain in it for much longer .
21 He pays her to remain in obscurity , fearing she may reveal the respectability of his origins .
22 She has a highly interesting job which allows her to remain in close contact with patient care .
23 To Hugh she seemed beautiful and he delighted , somewhat guiltily , in having her eat opposite him .
24 Even finding food was difficult , as Filon , the Empress 's secretary , discovered when he went to find some soup for her in an attempt to make her eat after nearly 36 hours with virtually nothing :
25 ( I thought this very over-optimistic on her part but let her persist in the delusion . )
26 Thousands who heard her singing to the troopships passing through Durban remember ‘ The Lady in White ’ , and there will be many who will appreciate the opportunity of hearing her story through the medium of audio tape .
27 Bathsheba stands framed and illuminated by lamplight in the window as Gabriel , outside with the men , accompanies her singing on the flute , and Boldwood , to her left within the room , hums the bass line .
28 D' you think I should stop her singing in that club ? ’
29 ‘ Perhaps you would be good enough to let her answer for herself . ’
30 To enable her to drive through the streets with him in an open carriage and be jointly greeted at receptions , he decided in 1914 that , on the anniversary of his marriage , he would inspect the army in Bosnia , of which the capital was Sarajevo .
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