Example sentences of "her [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Fleeting images of Ace masterfully entering her room , of him delightfully forcing his attentions on her slowly died as she finally made herself ready for bed .
2 How foolishly happy she had been earlier that evening , and how ridiculous she felt at this moment , all her dreams crushed and shattered around her slowly dragging feet .
3 I also wormed her over a course of three weeks , and watched her slowly put on weight .
4 Many considered she should have been a member of the royal commission on population ( 1946–9 ) but she did give evidence and published her widely read The Population of Britain in 1947 .
5 But the thought of anyone else knowing her intimately produced a wave of incredible jealousy .
6 She plans to encourage her predominantly teenaged followers take an interest in politics at a grass-roots level .
7 While the bawds are deciding to have her forcibly raped she says little , but when Boult wants to lead her away she again rises to verse , her secret weapon , and appeals to his better sentiments .
8 She came to the house in response to a card Miss Matlock had placed in a local newsagent 's window and Miss Matlock took her on to replace a cleaning woman who had recently left . ’
9 And I had to have an address to send the bill for the storage , which I would send to her on account every three months .
10 Did you see her on Take A Break the snooker game she was from Sunderland
11 Marc had already admitted he had been leading her on to see what she would do .
12 It seems likely that his preoccupation with her promisingly clever older sister , Jenny ( Jane Alice ) , caused unhappiness in May 's childhood and further spurred her on to succeed in the practical arts .
13 It was men like Terence Lewis who had spurred her on to get where she was today .
14 Curiosity egged her on to add : ‘ Why d'thee ask ? ’
15 Well I sa , I mean I took her on to look after her and I did n't think there would any problem
16 Eleven o'clock the next morning saw her immaculately dressed in a pale grey and pale pink creation , a great froth of fine lace at her throat and at her wrists .
17 ‘ I hear you have been seen going into the House of Oliver , ’ she said , her immaculately painted lips tight with fury .
18 I realized , suddenly , that I had n't once seen her properly dressed since my arrival .
19 And the thought of Leo actually kissing her properly made her feel positively ill !
20 The darkness which grows inside her eventually becomes uncontrollable .
21 Or perhaps , as Charlotte was reluctant to admit to herself , some part of her secretly approved of this blow at the heart of Maurice 's greed and Ursula 's complacency .
22 Something pressed her right shoulder down .
23 On the coffee table to her right lay the .38 and the .357 .
24 The woman led him away , leaving Charlotte to wander into a long pine-panelled room with a huge stone fireplace at the far end and a picture window to her right commanding a view of the terraced front garden and the curving drive up which she had walked .
25 They were ripe and plump , she reflected , worthy of caress , and the grasped her right bicep in her left hand .
26 And to her right sat her eldest son , Reginald John Hugh Farrier : a replica of what his father had once been , a tall dark-haired , dark-eyed , handsome soldier .
27 She waited until the pressure outside the suit was near zero , checked that the pressure inside was normal , and used her right claw with surprising delicacy to tap in the instruction to open the hatch .
28 On her right stood an empty cottage , fast becoming derelict .
29 On the cooker to her right stood a frying pan the two women had used for their meal less than an hour ago .
30 She handed him the tube , being fairly and correctly sure he would not ask her outright to rub it in for him .
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