Example sentences of "because of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 that report er that i it was er said that it m a high proportion of the cases were because of bed closures , which surely must be linked with resources .
2 Fertiliser use is apparently very limited because of cost in spite of such grants and the RP seemed to have to peddle a narrow course between not stimulating significant agricultural change but allowing enough development to support a viable local economy .
3 At that time we were told by the GA lobby that such a solution was not acceptable to GA flyers because of cost , weight/performance penalties , design difficulties and so on .
4 The main reason why the company decided to undertake a relocation exercise was because of cost : rent , rates and overheads were a lot less in Bristol than in London .
5 As far as beta blockade is concerned there are two approaches : one is the pragmatic approach , to prescribe it for everybody who can tolerate it , and not to investigate because of cost ( beta blockade is relatively cheap ) ; the other approach is to investigate all patients in the hope of giving focused therapy .
6 Lodgings/digs These are generally unpopular with most students because of cost , set meal times and general restrictions — such as the number of baths allowed — and the times by which you are expected to be home and in bed !
7 Because of cost should be reserved for very ‘ hot ’ lists .
8 At the moment , mostly because of cost , traffic calming 's targetted on individual villages .
9 They had warned in October 1990 that Cammell Laird would have to be sold or close because of defence cuts .
10 Very dependent on defence , and I know some delegates here work in our local defence industries , or in the dockyard , always been attached to defence and vulnerable now because of defence cuts .
11 On Thursday President Clinton outlined a $20 billion , four-year programme to help workers and communities who lose jobs because of defence cuts .
12 Also , various children deemed unsuitable for fostering — because of behaviour problems or physical handicaps , for example , or because there are strong ties with the natural parents — can be accommodated , together with those who have had a foster placement breakdown .
13 To compound the problem , the all-important first-time buyer may be a vanishing species , partly frightened off by the fate of those who were saddled with huge mortgages in the slump , and partly reducing in number because of demographics .
14 As I was floundering around trying to see a picture she mentioned that she was dreading a forthcoming holiday because of travel-sickness — the anticipatory fear would lead to headaches and frequent urination .
15 Maggie had dealt with that as best she could , taking it quietly and never complaining about the minor injustices which a teacher can inflict — work returned because of untidiness , petty sarcasms , rigorous enforcement of minor school rules .
16 Indeed , we sympathise with all the families of people who are killed unnecessarily because of terrorism and violence .
17 It was because of Nan reading the diary , that 's all . ’
18 A noteworthy exception to this trend can be found where some writers have proposed that financial reports move away from the relative subjectivity of all accruals accounting ( subjective because of depreciation charges , stock valuations , etc. ) to the relatively more objective cash flow accounting ( which recognizes only cash inflows and outflows ) .
19 Gross investment is equal to net investment plus any replacement investment which takes place because of depreciation .
20 Pauper pedigree studies totally lost their credibility because of criticism based on more sophisticated mathematical and statistical techniques im ported from Germany .
21 Because of the varied nature of this sector and because of criticism of the term informal sector , itself , other attempts to clarity and analyse this area have been made .
22 Again , we welcome that , but is it not sad that it comes 12 years after this Government were elected and after not just one but two Secretaries of State since I have been a Member of Parliament have been influenced because of criticism of tobacco advertising and irresponsible elements in the tobacco industry ?
23 A good many stars have booked themselves into clinics because of drink or drug addiction .
24 She said that it was partly because of drink — that all the Stavangers drank , and that her father knew he was drinking too much , but that he never drank at sea .
25 15 MILLION children die every year because of malnutrition , die slowly and horribly .
26 People might also resist change because of peer group pressure to do so even though , off the record , they may acknowledge the changes as beneficial .
27 It 's because of racism .
28 As mentioned earlier , scales can sometimes show disappointing results because of fluid fluctuations within the body .
29 As we have seen , however , trade-unionism failed to take root less because of intelligentsia influence than because of the constraints placed upon it by the tsarist State .
30 ( There is still uncertainty as to whether this clause has any practical effect on schools , because of vagueness in the wording of the amendment .
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