Example sentences of "her so that " in BNC.

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1 A community nurse was visiting her so that she would n't get too lonely and depressed .
2 She became , for a short while , my personal manager — we did a radio promotion tour around England on the ‘ Andy Warhol ’ single — but I often had the feeling that they were things that were given to Angie to keep her out of David 's way , to occupy her so that he could sort himself out .
3 She describes how a porpoise appeared and guided her so that she was being carried with the tide , and then helped her to a section of shallow water .
4 The Woman turned , pulling the whole of the little group round with her so that they faced the house , towards the mirror which hung over the sofa .
5 She saw how the dark room had filled with transparent figures who marched along the walls singing and mocking , who wrapped themselves around her so that she was suffocated in their embrace , then turned to broken bricks and choking mortar dust which cascaded in torrents on to her , flattening her to the bed so that her limbs ached with pain and she could n't move .
6 Had life buffeted her so that now she was impervious to all storms ?
7 The experience of being molested once as a child and then a man jumping in her car at 21 yrs and her running away remained with her so that she has persistent fear of being attacked and the sense of someone being behind her .
8 as if reading his mind Maggie tugged him across in front of her so that he could comfort his wife .
9 It was funny how quickly she had got used to it , sitting there with them watching her while she swabbed her nipple and lifted the baby close to her so that he could reach it .
10 She was a complete recluse , but one of us somehow got to know her so that he could come and count the nests in the heronry and explore the island .
11 She twirled slowly , feeling his eyes on her so that it was as though she was receiving an injection of adrenalin .
12 In another sexual adventure , Is My Palm Read ? , a palm-reader turns out the lights on her so that he can leer through her see-through skirt and blouse .
13 I watched in disbelief as the Con-Sec paid her , counting out the notes and thumbing them from a pile on to the table in front of her so that all could witness his honesty .
14 Mother Hilary , a legal secretary , and her golf playing husband Mike , who works at Stormont , encouraged her so that now , she admits , ‘ I do n't really have any hobbies .
15 He absently slid his programme nearer to her so that it touched him now , glancing at her out of the corner of his eye .
16 Even if it meant disturbing her , waking her so that she cried when put down again , she must be lifted up in Alice 's arms , held close to her and kissed goodbye .
17 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ Artemis told the woman , moving slightly away from her so that the finger could no longer reach her chin .
18 He took her arm , and held it firmly by its crooked elbow , propelling her so that she did not collide with the crowds of people , and she liked to have it held .
19 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
20 Antoine faltered , sagging against her so that she could barely sustain his weight .
21 And though she half hoped that Friend would wheel alongside her so that she could ignore him , he did n't appear .
22 The universe inside her mind exploded her out from its centre of I and other beings poured into her so that she knew their inner selves .
23 A frog asked a princess to take him to bed with her so that he could turn into a fairy prince .
24 Her feet went ; she scrambled and sat down , dragging him with her so that his body stooped in a low bow like some subservient courtier .
25 Both Kiku and Turakina had insisted on riding and , as they galloped along the borders of the cornfields which supplied the Kha-Khan 's granaries , Turakina 's unbound hair streamed out behind her so that her whole head appeared to be on fire .
26 ‘ She 's wearing herself out getting him to notice her so that she can pretend to ignore him . ’
27 He kept his face turned away from her so that she would n't see that he was n't telling the whole truth .
28 Quickly , Alina stepped around her so that she could hold Sandy 's head in both of her hands ; Sandy made a weak attempt to struggle , but it was like fighting a rock .
29 As Ariel 's voice reached through the darkness that had walled up Sycorax in pain , she tried to recall some of the things she had once known ; she murmured and found that when she did so Ariel stopped singing , so she tried not to remember out loud , but to save the retrieved pieces inside her so that the low , scraping voice of the girl she loved would not be interrupted .
30 I have not yet beckoned to her so that she will come running to me , so that I shall lie with her today and tonight and tomorrow , and for a great many tomorrows .
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