Example sentences of "her just [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Making lunch for Lucy and Francis , giving her lifts here and there when her car was off the road , calling her just to see how she was , ordering her home when she looked exhausted , plying her with remedies if she had a cold , rubbing her back if she was tense .
2 It 's Iris 's turn to call us really but , but I , I did think about Iris earlier and I should really phone just to see how your dad is , Bobby because it 's really up to her just to see about the weekend and much times that I 've phoned the hospital recently .
3 The woman was at the other end of the counter weighing bull's-eyes , and called at her just to leave the money .
4 She was n't mean about it , she was very grateful to have someone to talk to and I used to try to spend a lot of time with her just to cheer her up — you know , walk the dog with her and go shopping — just do all the things that would help .
5 Maybe that was why this picture just would n't work : she was expected to produce a suitable work in return for the fellowship that was supposed to be paying her just to paint .
6 very good I says but you tell her just to forget that will ya ?
7 So I 've asked her just to phone cancel it out , and that should just be the end of it .
8 It 's it 's a bit boring for her just to lye there .
9 If for no other reason , he 'll probably meet her just to get back at me . ’
10 I lameducked her just to show the Vestal Virgins that I was cleverer than they .
11 Only the tightly clenched line of her jawbone revealed the enormous effort it was taking her just to stand upright .
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