Example sentences of "because [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second reason why the ozone layer is important is because through absorption it controls the amount of ultraviolet ( UV-B ) or erythemal solar radiation reaching the ground .
2 The obvious choice of sample was the skeletal material in the Beaker burials themselves , because for bone there is no time delay between death and cessation of 14 C exchange with the biosphere .
3 She nodded , because for shame she could do nothing but nod , and he sat down at her table .
4 It 's symmetrical because for minus and plus five , you get the same value of Y.
5 They followed him to the study because for economy it was the only fire in the house , but he worked through their conversation and did not join it .
6 There were would be no such thing as time , either , in this situation , because for time to exist there must be events .
7 That 's quite an interesting one , if you consider as students how do you learn erm in general you probably do n't learn that much in lectures because for example we know from experiments that we all have a limited attention span .
8 Because as part of their battle plan the taxi drivers are offering them free rides .
9 Most of us , as people who live in this world , are interested in our environment , and even if not young we certainly grow to appreciate it and to learn a bit about flowers and the way animals live and work in our garden and watching David Attenborough on television and erm we have a genuine interest because as part of this world we know it and come to understand it , and probably feel , therefore , if even if you 're not a biology specialist , which you certainly do n't have to be by any means , when a child asks a question about , you know , ‘ where do the flies go in winter ? ’ and ‘ why 's the hamster gone to sleep for three months ? ’ we feel more capable of answering it because we 're closer to it ourselves and those are the sorts of questions that people told us .
10 Most of us , as people who live in this world , are interested in our environment , and even if not young we certainly grow to appreciate it and to learn a bit about flowers and the way animals live and work in our garden and watching David Attenborough on television and erm we have a genuine interest because as part of this world we know it and come to understand it , and probably feel , therefore , if even if you 're not a biology specialist , which you certainly do n't have to be by any means , when a child asks a question about , you know , ‘ where do the flies go in winter ? ’ and ‘ why 's the hamster gone to sleep for three months ? ’ we feel more capable of answering it because we 're closer to it ourselves and those are the sorts of questions that people told us .
11 This is as far as I can get with my researches for now , because after lunch I have to go to the Treasury , with my colleague Jane Showell , for a meeting of the joint working party on Sunningdale ; not even death takes precedence over the Treasury .
12 ‘ The timing is tight , because after Easter the temperature rises and the ice starts to break up .
13 that report er that i it was er said that it m a high proportion of the cases were because of bed closures , which surely must be linked with resources .
14 Fertiliser use is apparently very limited because of cost in spite of such grants and the RP seemed to have to peddle a narrow course between not stimulating significant agricultural change but allowing enough development to support a viable local economy .
15 At that time we were told by the GA lobby that such a solution was not acceptable to GA flyers because of cost , weight/performance penalties , design difficulties and so on .
16 The main reason why the company decided to undertake a relocation exercise was because of cost : rent , rates and overheads were a lot less in Bristol than in London .
17 As far as beta blockade is concerned there are two approaches : one is the pragmatic approach , to prescribe it for everybody who can tolerate it , and not to investigate because of cost ( beta blockade is relatively cheap ) ; the other approach is to investigate all patients in the hope of giving focused therapy .
18 Lodgings/digs These are generally unpopular with most students because of cost , set meal times and general restrictions — such as the number of baths allowed — and the times by which you are expected to be home and in bed !
19 Because of cost should be reserved for very ‘ hot ’ lists .
20 At the moment , mostly because of cost , traffic calming 's targetted on individual villages .
21 They had warned in October 1990 that Cammell Laird would have to be sold or close because of defence cuts .
22 Very dependent on defence , and I know some delegates here work in our local defence industries , or in the dockyard , always been attached to defence and vulnerable now because of defence cuts .
23 On Thursday President Clinton outlined a $20 billion , four-year programme to help workers and communities who lose jobs because of defence cuts .
24 Also , various children deemed unsuitable for fostering — because of behaviour problems or physical handicaps , for example , or because there are strong ties with the natural parents — can be accommodated , together with those who have had a foster placement breakdown .
25 To compound the problem , the all-important first-time buyer may be a vanishing species , partly frightened off by the fate of those who were saddled with huge mortgages in the slump , and partly reducing in number because of demographics .
26 As I was floundering around trying to see a picture she mentioned that she was dreading a forthcoming holiday because of travel-sickness — the anticipatory fear would lead to headaches and frequent urination .
27 Maggie had dealt with that as best she could , taking it quietly and never complaining about the minor injustices which a teacher can inflict — work returned because of untidiness , petty sarcasms , rigorous enforcement of minor school rules .
28 Indeed , we sympathise with all the families of people who are killed unnecessarily because of terrorism and violence .
29 It was because of Nan reading the diary , that 's all . ’
30 A noteworthy exception to this trend can be found where some writers have proposed that financial reports move away from the relative subjectivity of all accruals accounting ( subjective because of depreciation charges , stock valuations , etc. ) to the relatively more objective cash flow accounting ( which recognizes only cash inflows and outflows ) .
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