Example sentences of "because [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 because for eighteen months I mean there was this sledgehammer and all you could hear was boom , boom
2 The continuing popularity of the 6 hour course was encouraging because for many of the course subjects anything less than this time could leave trainees disappointed that all aspects of the programme were either not covered or covered too quickly .
3 Because for many parents the word discipline has the unhappy connotation of punishment and repression , they have been half afraid to begin to discipline their young children .
4 The second statement sums up the News International ban precisely , and the following sentence reflects the dilemma that was faced by many librarians in the dispute ; though not by all , because for many librarians who supported the ban there was no dilemma .
5 This is because for many years trade unions themselves were immune from actions in tort .
6 But perhaps worse was to come , because for many years the redevelopment of the Circus dragged on indecisively through revised traffic calculations , and scheme after scheme was prepared afresh .
7 Secondly , I urge him to make the best possible speed in this matter because for many of us it represents the most dreadful stain on our criminal justice system .
8 And the birth control pill is an interesting example because it brings out the controversy and misunderstanding which there can be , because for many many years there was a great deal of talk about the risks from the birth control pill .
9 Ted Young is a very familiar voice to Radio Brighton listeners because for many many years he has been presenting the weather forecast .
10 There are few other references to Drumcree in early documents and this is possibly because for certain periods it was absorbed in Kilmore .
11 And then , even while she was making valiant efforts to control herself , because for certain he was going to set about strangling her at any moment , after some seconds of looking at her as if staggered , suddenly , and to her amazement , he was seeing the funny side of it also — and he was laughing too !
12 This is because for each PB there is a very wide range of possible CBs .
13 Because for each bag could you
14 The state N1 is more promising than N2 because for each row in N2 , there is a row in N1 with at least as many free positions .
15 The slope is less than 45 degrees because for each extra pound earned the individual is only allowed to keep a constant fraction of it .
16 The first level of the DUD relates to jobs and the second level to orders for parts , because for each occurrence of the job data , there can be many occurrences of order data .
17 These incidents are rare not only because national emergencies are mercifully infrequent , but because for much of the time there is an instinctive understanding between the governors of the broadcasting organization and the government of the nation , as the corporation 's behaviour on issues like appeasement demonstrates ; Reith succumbed to the same collective delusion that had seized Chamberlain , his foreign secretary , Halifax , and most of the population .
18 But Pete said that it was n't , because for much of the hour he 'd been doing the same .
19 I have to say that in no way will this option be better than the colour changer , because for Norwegian jacquard , you will still have to make a semi-automatic colour change with the jacquard claw every two rows and this is slower .
20 It is because for strategic reasons we 've very want to make the investment , there 's no other way of doing it .
21 oh , you know , that 's , that 's it because for thirteen years they have dismantled the social system , that 's what they 've done in thirteen years , so they ca n't say overnight , we 'll put it all back because there is n't , there , there is n't the finance there because they 've spent it all to have done what they 've done
22 The important debate in my opinion that we shall have this Committee stage and it is for that reason and also because for four-and-a-half years which I think is regarded as a very long time , I was answerable for police affairs er with the Home Secretary in another place , as the Noble Lord , Lord Callaghan will remember , many years ago , it goes back to January nineteen fifty-eight when I became Under Secretary and he was political advisor to the Police Federation and we very rarely disagreed I 'm happy to say .
23 Occasionally , it just looks as though someone 's not going to turn up because for one reason or another they 've been held up .
24 In cases where a covenant must be imposed to observe existing restrictions , on behalf of a buyer always insert in the covenant such words as " so far as the same affect the property hereby conveyed and are subsisting and capable of being enforced " , because for one reason or another the odds are ten to one that nobody can legally enforce them ; but the case might be otherwise if you impose the restrictions afresh .
25 Yeah , its within your budget and you 've done well , I went over budget , but then I expected I would , because for one thing I was buying for more .
26 Because for two years for two years the intentions of the Conservative group , which have been the intentions of ourselves have delivered on the Moat Highfield questions , delivered nothing .
27 But now now 's now 's the time strike on because for two reasons .
28 In a limited way we can understand this , because for all of us certain dates stand out with striking significance .
29 And in ‘ Macbeth ’ , ‘ when Tarquin ‘ rapes ’ the crown , and the Boar climbs into Duncan 's slashed skin and stands up King of Scotland ’ , one must simply groan , because for all the tortuous extravagance of metaphor , and the twists and turns of myth intended to give it power like twisted elastic , one is not being told anything novel .
30 If no pivot is possible because for all j , then the LP is unbounded for all θ > θ ( why ? ) .
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