Example sentences of "like [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Some of these statutes were brought forward , like the better known acts of state , by the Crown .
2 Like the Better Health Commission , it concentrated on targets for preventable mortality and behavioural risk factors .
3 The results are terse and sharply etched , like the best line drawings .
4 Like the best wines , distinguished architecture matures over time : 50 years from now , Lloyds will be championed by as yet unborn conservationists , fought over in the media and ultimately listed Grade One .
5 But Bankside is nevertheless a sound structure which , like the best mills of the Industrial Revolution , is well worth preserving and is perfectly capable of adaptation for a new commercial use .
6 The best , most satisfying gossip is like the best , most satisfying art ; it is cathartic .
7 are made in Devon in the style of traditional French cheeses , the Wheatland being like the best farmhouse Brie and the Moor following a recipe for Port Salut .
8 ‘ We used to lie around a swimming pool in Peking chatting like the best of friends , ’ he later recalled , ‘ But it was all too sickeningly sweet …
9 Unlike many of the guerrilla leaders who are unknown except to the intrepid few who visit their frontline hideouts , Arkan rebels are in the public limelight like the best of Hollywood 's gangsters .
10 A lot of time and thought has been given to this and it looks like the best way of dealing with it is … because … .
11 I look like the best type of Virgin Mary , without worldly accessories as it were ’ , she wrote in The New Age of 5 November .
12 Moreover , it is far from clear that the LDDC has managed to obtain anything like the best financial deals in its negotiations with developers : land appears to have been sold at substantially less than might have been achieved , and as the freeholder the LDDC has retained little control of , nor gained any benefit from , subsequent development .
13 Like the best fakers from the snake world , it displays a slackly open mouth with its tongue lolling out , and its eyes are half-closed .
14 Like the best ideas , it is stunningly simple .
15 I 've been praying for him and this looks like the best possible outcome .
16 DALLAS COWBOYS , the youngest team in the NFL , are looking more like the best in the league every week .
17 Steppenwolf , Blue Oyster Cult , Jo Jo Gunne and Alice Cooper join forces with the predictable ( but great ) Bachman Turner Overdrive , and what crawls out sounds like the best hard rock compilation of all time .
18 ICL Plc has launched its Spring collection of personal computers and related products , ( CI No 2,124 ) , saying that ‘ like the best fashion , ICL PCs are made for the individual ’ .
19 I left with no passion for any single plant or creature but for all of Nature — its ruthless innocence , its secretiveness and startling revelations , the changing seasons and sense of time in a whole that was timeless , like the best of childhood .
20 What persuades Quine , however , is not that his examples are so convincing but that he knows that there must be some examples , and these look like the best candidates .
21 Whereas 2001 stressed bareness , emptiness — not only in space but within the spacecraft too — the Soviet spaceship Leonov is lit up like a fairground , coloured lights everywhere ; and when it enters Jupiter 's atmosphere in a dangerous manoeuvre , it burns like the best firework ever — and survives .
22 ‘ But you seemed keen to meet me this morning , so this seemed like the best place . ’
23 To this end they have collectively built up an enormous fund of local knowledge and experience , not just of the water and its peculiar hydrodynamics but also the sides of the gorge as well , things like the best portage routes , where to escape out of the gorge in an emergency , where and how close you can get with transport , nearest telephone , helicopter landing sites , etc , a sad spinoff of being on call for river search duties in the event of tragic emergency .
24 Omar was a devout Muslim and like the best Somalis was proud and fearless , though he proved to be remarkably tactful and forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry , and always upheld my authority even when I made a mistake .
25 As one satirical poem put it : " Though of Passive Obedience we talk like the best , " T is prudence , when interest sways , to resist " .
26 That sounds like the best idea !
27 None the less the brisk , no-nonsense manner implied that once she had found what , if any , they might be , like the good feminist she was , she would be out there dealing with them .
28 You could almost hear some of the women in the audience working it out in their heads — if the name 's O'Neil like the good young Father — and that 's her Mother — and she 's his sister — then she 's not married !
29 Scientific explanations , scientists like M. Hammerton inform us , huffing and puffing away like the good little , non-pontificating rational beings they are , are completely objective phenomena , and value-free , which is even more to the point .
30 When Madame Denis asked him why he went to such lengths , he answered , ‘ Esther , one should do like the good God ; from time to time one should go and live among His own . ’
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