Example sentences of "may not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Gift Aid may not be used by a donor as a means of writing of a debt or loan owed to him by the charity .
2 If I do n't make a Will , then the distribution of what you possess when you die may not be as you would wish .
3 Even though critics may not be as learned as their art-historical colleagues , there is no good reason for their practised eyes to cloud over when looking at art of other periods .
4 There is the theory of art , and there is aesthetics ; there is writing about artefacts which may or may not be categorised as art , but are in the hands of the archaeologist or the anthropologist ; and there is art appreciation .
5 theories are interdisciplinary , and the specific quality of a painting or a sculpture may not be spotlighted by the theoretician , whose writing is likely to be long on interpretation but short on description .
6 Even such richness may not be enough for a theoretician .
7 Theorists may also be more difficult to follow in their arguments because of a current of polemic with which a reader may not be familiar .
8 The connoisseur also hopes to have in a drawing an authentic work by an artist 's own hand , which in the case of an oil painting may not be so assured .
9 A successful description of a self-portrait may not be difficult , but an illuminating interpretation may call on many references , especially other artists ' pictures of themselves .
10 Even illustrations may not be adequate , details of pictures often being poorly represented , leaving an artist 's techniques , materials and handling to be discovered from more specialist studies .
11 However , potentially educable as a painter Schnabel may or may not be , his work is just not worthy of serious attention by anyone with a developed taste in this particular art form .
12 Valuable interpretive ideas may be found in journals of psychology , aesthetics , philosophy , history , religion , sociology , anthropology , even medicine and biology , although these may not be matched up with descriptions and evaluations of art .
13 People in pictures can be more problematic to describe , since they may not be identifiable , a special difficulty with portraits .
14 ‘ This theoretically realistic and humorous novel is not unlike The Waste Land , the showpiece of Modernism and Impersonality ’ — which gives the impression that the realistic and humorous can only be deemed compatible with impersonality if they can also be deemed theoretical , and that the novel may not be very funny .
15 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
16 Drama training is under constant review through the accreditation system , so that standards are maintained and new developments assessed , and schools which may not be in the accredited list today may well be there soon .
17 Though , wrote Harsnet , that difference may not be as great as I sometimes imagine .
18 It may not be ready in time , I told her , there 's still a long way to go .
19 But times have changed and chefs may not be able to get away with overcharging for simple dishes using relatively inexpensive ingredients for much longer … or perhaps they will .
20 There may not be much they can do , but what else is there going for you now ? ’
21 On reflection , however , this may not be quite true , since anyone who sets out to plant a wildlife garden instinctively takes a much keener interest in , and is influenced by , natural plant associations and communities .
22 But if you simply do n't have room for two or more bushes or trees , all may not be lost .
23 Even with ground handling someone must take charge , but it may not be the pilot .
24 Above that height an abbreviated circuit should always be possible , although it may not be necessary or desirable in very windy and turbulent conditions .
25 In fact , the rudder power of most gliders is very poor in relation to the huge inertia of the heavy , long-span wings , and there may not be any visible effect when opposite rudder is applied in an incipient spin .
26 You always hope that you will be able to select a large , easy field , but that may not be possible .
27 It may not be … prudent for such information to be then read by other than police personnel .
28 However , he can not always escape the results , or move away ; and may not be able to use this newly acquired knowledge to amend much within the institution .
29 You may not be here tomorrow .
30 We may not be here tomorrow screamed the rock-fuck bands .
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