Example sentences of "should [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The service conception is a normative doctrine about the conditions under which authority is legitimate and the manner in which authorities should conduct themselves .
2 The section does not specifically empower the policeman to give directions as to how the actor should conduct himself in the future ( as by leaving the spot ) .
3 First , if specific librarians and information scientists are unable or unwilling ( or both ) to learn about and understand the detailed situations within which the information that they handle will eventually be used , then they should restrict themselves to the more general situation-independent value-adding processes .
4 This difference , as we have seen , is between two kinds of causal explanation , and if both can have some force , as Miller believes , it is not obvious why social scientists should restrict themselves to only one of them .
5 We should restrict ourselves to trying to understand , and then try to help them expand and develop what they want to say .
6 Suggest that participants should make themselves familiar with the main issues beforehand — perhaps by reading this booklet or other books on the list on pp. 23–4 — so that the discussion will be based on adequate information .
7 Students should make themselves familiar with Traffic Regulations which are widely displayed throughout the University .
8 Those who enter a course leading to the qualifications awarded by a Professional Association ( such as Membership , Associateship or Fellowship ) should make themselves familiar with the regulations of that body , as it is their personal responsibility to comply with them .
9 ‘ Counsel ’ should make themselves acquainted not only with this procedure but with the main rules of evidence — e. g. those relating to leading questions .
10 All Certified Weighers should make themselves familiar with Section 20 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 , which is attached .
11 A CONTROVERSIAL proposal that unemployed young people between 16 and 21 should make themselves available for full-time community service is to be discussed by the Labour Party .
12 No one has yet suggested that Mikhail Gorbachev , or anyone else for that matter , should make himself Lord Protector .
13 He had explained about Ari , vehemently disagreed with Zambia 's suggestion he should make himself known to the girl , and tortured himself out loud with conjectures about how Roirbak and Leila might , at this very moment , be destroying Ari 's abilities beneath their feet .
14 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
15 An appropriately experienced consultation partner who is a valuations specialist and is not otherwise associated with the client 's ( or the subject entity 's , if different ) affairs should be appointed , and thereafter , should make himself available for consultation as required during the engagement .
16 You should make yourself a simple planning diary of the weeks of the term , boldly marking key weeks and dates .
17 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
18 Mill , for all his apprehensions about public opinion and mass ignorance , never abandoned the basic democratic principle that as far as possible the people should govern themselves , and that therefore the ultimate objective had to be the maximum of direct , personal participation :
19 Whether you 've been asked to open the discussion or not , you should prepare yourself for the tutorial as follows :
20 Consequently , they should prepare themselves for the process by shaping the plans for their appointment procedure in some detail .
21 You may say also that I think it well that the musters of the northern counties should prepare themselves for possible action against the Scots at the same date , and those along the south coast should be ready to resist any assault by sea from my enemies in Europe .
22 LINFIELD fans should prepare themselves for a bout of double vision at Windsor Park next week .
23 The psychologist worked on the assumption that Dawn should prepare herself for a life of dependency on others , so he did not try to motivate her towards self-sufficiency .
24 Reverting to my opening discussion of the evolution of the ego and superego , we can readily see the importance of these stages and we can understand why it is that the sexual drive should lend itself to such apparently irrelevant associations as the oral and anal zones .
25 Through personal observation and enquiry , the manager should reassure himself that the length of the overlap period is fully justified for necessary communication and activity .
26 Whatever its actual effect , the English wanted at least to make sure that they would not be out of pocket over expansion in America , and the fear that they would lose money was expressed by the economist Charles Davenant when he wrote in 1698 : ‘ it can not reasonably be admitted that the mother country should impoverish herself to enrich the children nor that Britain should weaken herself to strengthen America . ’
27 Prospective students , anxious for sun and romance as well as the release of their creative genius , should gird themselves by reading Swallow , Thomas 's novel about an Olympiad of storytellers which involves hours and hours of improvising in prose and verse .
28 The second was the decision of the American Supreme Court that they should divest themselves of monopoly control of the cinema chains which , as Heston said , was in hindsight a death blow which merely served to hasten the financial decline of each and every studio .
29 Examples are the splitting up of AT&T in the US , referred to above , the more stringent conditions put on the BA/BCal merger by the EC authorities , and the MMC recommendation that the major UK brewers should divest themselves of most of their public houses ( Supply of Beer , 1989 ) .
30 Recently , an electronic device has been marketed which gives advice on when you should expose yourself to daylight at your destination .
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