Example sentences of "very [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 We know that the Ancient Egyptians er did insist on circumcision er they were racially very erm erm er very prejudiced the Ancient Egyptians cos they were living at the peak of cultural time and regarded all other races as inferior to them and one of the main er stigmas in inferiority was erm not being circumcised and Ancient Egyptians regarded people who were n't circumcised as filthy and erm they er they had this tremendous er racial pride in themselves as the circumcised people , and this of course has passed on into Judaism and even to Islamic faith .
2 For the very poorest the station was one of the few places where they could encounter the better-off , and attempt some income redistribution by the provision of services like newspaper-selling , boot-blacking , hawking , or simply begging .
3 If your playing action is also very low the resultant sound will be quite horrible !
4 I can only conclude by saying that I am very sorry the situation has developed as it has .
5 We are very sorry the train at number eleven platform eleven , when you get to Lemington on it , get out if you 're going to Banbury , there will be a coach , because there 's a fire at Banbury , well I thought it meant there was something on the other side of the railway , it was , a factory near there so , so then er they get you in
6 Erm I had a phone call just before I came out , area area party , so this 'll come It 's about actually in the ward which we narrowly missed getting last time just by erm not even a very strong The by election is on September twenty third and we want leafleters this weekend , so if anybody is able to go on leafleting , which is right between It 's er I 've got the phone number for Forgot the surname but she works with Bob , so if you ring up and say this Is that Linda who works with Bob .
7 Did n't smell very strong the top 's been off it .
8 ‘ It may be that for a very few the search itself is a necessity . ’
9 Although the reality was , and always had been , very different the intention was to design and teach courses of study as a preliminary to an even more specialized university undergraduate course .
10 Having said that he was very immature the report added that there had been considerable improvement , but it had taken a long time ( he had only been at school for four terms and had had a change of teacher ) .
11 Another Orcadian was equally adamant that injustice had been done : ‘ We 're here because we feel it 's very wrong the way the bairns have been uplifted , and they 're being treated quite like criminals really .
12 Unless the slope of the baseline drift is very steep the decline has few practical consequences except to sharpen competitive pressures .
13 Unless they 're very very careful the supporters of one member , one vote so called will create a narrow and exclusive Party , limited to those lucky people who can stump up an eighteen pounds membership fee without thinking too hard , and in the Britain of nineteen ninety three there are n't quite as many of those as perhaps we would like to see .
14 It is very interesting the way two different groups react to the same situation .
15 On the other hand if the subject 's contrast is very high the dilution of Rodinal can be increased to 1:75 or more to fully develop the negative without over-developing the highlight areas .
16 to very high the unfortunate thing
17 That , that , that is high , but then again is very high the activist we do n't , on the courses , we do n't see many activists coming out as high as fifteen or sixteen , they are .
18 After the meeting he said to one of the local people that it was very unlike the Last Conference in 1913 when he attacked L.G. for 45 minutes amid great applause .
19 The softness of the female flesh writhing above her was very unlike the firm , muscular body of a man .
20 A further point which might be made is that the concise , fluent format of the interviewer 's questions is very unlike the format of normal conversation , where false starts , hesitations and ambiguities are the norm ( Schegloff 1979 ) .
21 The jolliness of the return was very unlike the thorny mood of the journey out .
22 Likewise , we might be disturbed if the social class distribution in the sample turned out to be very unlike the overall pattern .
23 very much the same
24 One of the things I would like say is , that although many things have changed a lot of things have stayed very much the same
25 I think what were dealing within a programme like this is very much the tip of the iceberg
26 Or isotopes of an element , they have the same chemical properties , they have the same outer structure and very much the same inner structure apart from one 's got a few extra neutrons .
27 My impression is that the cocoa from Traidcraft is very much the same price , as when I last bought it from the supermarket when you first started stocking
28 We had to keep our hair right under our caps , look ver very much the nurse .
29 That was n't the case for very much the same reasons of course .
30 Here there are few of the excesses of cautioning seen in some other areas , even though prosecution is considered very much the last resort .
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