Example sentences of "any [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 But in every age there have been poets who were uninterested in thus cutting their poems free of any but a linguistic reality , poets who are ‘ realistic ’ and ‘ mimetic ’ in the most straightforward senses of those two complicated words .
2 I believe that music-lovers are deluded when they claim to find artistic pleasure in any but a fraction of this music .
3 In fact , the film was set in the 1950s , but it is doubtful whether any but a few of the millions who watched the film appreciated that life in a mental hospital is any different today .
4 His conversion to Islam , his rejection of that faith and the subsequent , troubled period , when the disease had made him all but unrecognizable to any but a few close friends , are things we may wish to pass over today , but — ’
5 This dynamic could not indeed have developed as it did without the very considerable influence behind the scenes , particularly in the preparation of documents between sessions , of leading consultants whose theology was indeed far beyond that of any but a handful of bishops : Congar , Rahner , Philips , Chenu , Courtney Murray among others .
6 The loan book must contain virtually all the liverymen of the various companies , though not necessarily all the yeomen , nor indeed any but a fraction of the membership of the poorest crafts : only a single weaver is listed , though there was a livery of thirty and a full membership of seventy in 1546 .
7 about the room were high chairs and low chairs , bandy-legged chairs , chairs so attenuated that it was a wonder any but a sylph could sit upon them , marqueterie tables covered with marvellous gimcracks , china ornaments of all ages and countries , bronzes , gilt daggers , Books of Beauty , yataghans , Turkish papooshes and boxes of Parisian bonbons …
8 While some were happy to espouse them without question , others were more critical , the more so because of the Authority 's failure to consult any but a small number of heads about their content .
9 It is not suggested that any but a small proportion of private homes are like this , but where such conditions do occur , it indicates that the vetting , registration and monitoring procedures are failing .
10 Fifty years ago this was not the case ; there was then no apparent threat to any but a few species .
11 But without political institutions enjoying some real power it is difficult to have political conflict or political life in any but a very narrow sense of the term .
12 Defence counsel contended that its only effect on any but a minute lunatic fringe of readers would be horror , revulsion and pity .
13 As soon as you receive replies to requisitions , you should be in a position to prepare a report on title for any mortgagee for whom you act , as is commonly required by any but a private mortgagee ; you ca n't usually do so before , because until you have had satisfactory replies you ca n't certify that the title is good .
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