Example sentences of "also for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To the left as you entered was the copper over which hung a galvanised tub used not only on wash days but also for personal baths .
2 The transition from traditional management techniques to those based on personal computers revealed the need not only for good early planning but also for high-level commitment in directing what was to be implemented and for what were described as decision support systems .
3 What makes it both attractive to users and even more misleading is that the promoters of the technique tend to use a number of methods to produce ‘ norms ’ for , in particular , ‘ preference shift ’ , but also for various attention measures .
4 Certainly , water is used a great deal in settlements , not only for drinking by people and animals , but also for various crafts and simple industrial processes , and as a source of power .
5 In addition , the four English colleges offer a two-year part-time course incorporating short periods of full-time attendance , also for practising teachers .
6 Heavy fighting continued notwithstanding yet another ceasefire agreement signed by the warring factions on Dec. 13 , providing also for humanitarian corridors to be opened to evacuate the Sarajevo population .
7 Wooden cocktail sticks and skewers are used in a few of the cakes in this book for propping up , for securing and also for decorative items such as flagpoles .
8 Adrian Arbib makes hand-crafted boxes which are useful not only for day-to-day storage , but also for outdoor expeditions and for transporting finished works .
9 Adrian Arbib makes hand-crafted boxes which are useful not only for day-to-day storage , but also for outdoor expeditions and for transporting finished works .
10 It was for the cost of having the floor relaid and also for consequential losses ( i.e. lost profits arising from lost production while the factory was closed to enable the floor to be relaid ) .
11 As part of the policy of accountability and choice , local education authorities and school governors have a duty to provide information not only for parents but also for prospective parents and the public generally .
12 The weighted capitation formula has been advanced not only as a mechanism for allocating national resources among the 14 regions but also for subregional allocation .
13 Although it is clear that the left hemisphere is dominant not only for speech but also for verbal memory and reasoning generally ( Meyer and Yates , 1955 ; Meyer , 1959 ; Milner , 1962 , 1971 ; Lansdell , 1968 , 1969 , 1973 ; Benton , 1968 ; Newcombe , 1969 , 1974 ; Buffery , 1974 ) the nature of hemispheric control of speech output is still somewhat obscure .
14 As head of production for Gainsborough Pictures and , from 1932 , also for Gaumont-British , Michael Balcon had to make over 20 pictures a year .
15 In a time of economic recession such as that of the early 1990s , there is a strong case not only for low interest rates but also for increased public expenditure , especially on roads , bridges , airports and other civic needs , and on unemployment compensation and welfare payments , all to employ or protect the unemployed and those otherwise adversely affected .
16 At the inquiry they had stated that , if the Secretary of State decided the house should be preserved , they would pay not only for past subsidence damage but also for preventative works , in the form of a raft underneath the building , which could be jacked up to correct the effect of any subsidence .
17 It was used for keeping accounts and also for dedicatory inscriptions .
18 Labour law application for full-time employees generally applies to the full extent also for part-time employees .
19 Scholars in the humanities , like researchers in other subjects , make use of computers for word-processing , for cataloguing the books in their departmental libraries , and also for desk-top publishing .
20 A JOYFUL collision of sounds and vibes , influences and attitude , uptown trains and downtown nights , this album knows the score , and also for good measure , what time it is .
21 However , Maskelyne had a high opinion of his abilities , lending him considerable sums and securing for him commissions for instruments , not only for his own observatory at Greenwich , but also for new instruments for Eger in Hungary , Mannheim , and Florence .
22 Vast numbers of bricks were required and Bevan had the idea of constructing a tramroad alongside the line of the flight to raise bricks fired at Foxton not only for Foxton Locks but also for other constructions such as the Bosworth Tunnel .
23 Inglis calculated the stress concentration factor , that is to say by how many times the stress is increased locally , not only for rectangular hatchways , but also for other openings such as round and elliptical holes .
24 Language is as old as consciousness , language is practical consciousness that exists also for other men , and for that reason alone it really exists for me personally as well ; language like consciousness , only arises from the need , the necessity of intercourse with other men .
25 The therapist should look also for other maladaptive behavioural coping strategies such as increasing consumption of alcohol , drugs , cigarettes , food , or prescribed medication .
26 Applying those considerations to the present case , their Lordships are of the view that since the plaintiff was well aware that the defendants would be acting also for other vendors of comparable properties and in so doing would receive confidential information from those other vendors , the agency contract between the plaintiff and the defendants can not have included either ( a ) a term requiring the defendants to disclose such confidential information to the plaintiff or ( b ) a term precluding the defendants acting for rival vendors or ( c ) a term precluding the defendants from seeking to earn commission on the sale of the property of a rival vendor .
27 Because the method is so useful — not only in this connection but also for other memory techniques — many years ago we committed to memory our own personal hooks for each number from 1 — 100 .
28 Its function is to provide training for judges , especially for those acting as Assistant Recorders or deputy Registrars , and for lay magistrates ; but also for other judges through refresher seminars , also attended by civil servants .
29 Nature utilizes this route also for other reactions of nucleic acids metabolism , such as tRNA uracil-C 5 methylation ( 4 ) , tRNA/aminoacyl tRNA synthetase interaction ( 5 ) and possibly several others ( 5 ) .
30 Vultures soar at great heights , watching not only for carcasses but also for other vultures possibly flying towards carcasses .
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