Example sentences of "also [vb past] place " in BNC.

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1 ( An interesting confluence also took place between the development of classical music , which by now had moved away from tonality by vastly enlarging its range , and the coloured musicians ' microtonality . )
2 In the United States , a similar shift from credit-rationing to price-rationing also took place between the seventies and eighties .
3 The process of disillusionment with the Führer also took place only gradually , and was subject to temporary reversals when the war situation momentarily seemed brighter and to stubborn remarks of wholly irrational but unshakeable belief even when the odds were hopeless .
4 Other more ambitious walks also took place that winter .
5 The quarter finals also took place on Saturday and produced a mixed bag of entertainment .
6 Racing also took place on the frozen River Ouse in 1607 and Charles I witnessed a race on Acomb Manor during a visit in 1633 .
7 Sixteen days before the hand-over of the Vampire , another historic event also took place at Marham — the final Victor major overhauls was commenced by the VMMU , marking the last Handley Page-built aircraft ever to be overhauled by the RAF .
8 Interviews also took place with parents in 10 of the 25 cases selected for follow-up.The study looked at cases during the first six months after the initial case conference .
9 Discussion of services to individual children also took place .
10 but changes in the ownership and control of companies also took place between these dates , sometimes on virtually the same scale and certainly with the same consequences for programme contents .
11 Important changes also took place among the proto-fish .
12 Demonstrations against the poll tax also took place in Manchester and those events were continuously reported on the local radio stations to which prisoners habitually listen .
13 Mason 's party also took place in the canteen and attracted more than 60 former employees .
14 At the end of November guerrillas renewed their attacks on the wealthy suburbs of Escalón and San Benito and fighting also took place on the flanks of the San Salvador and Guazapa volcanos outside the capital .
15 Voting also took place for 140 municipal councils and two new 45-member autonomous regional councils in the Atlantic Coast region .
16 Clashes also took place with pro-panchayat supporters , and several government ministers were reported to be among those throwing stones at the protesters .
17 Elections also took place for 40 seats in the 76-seat Senate , where each of the six states was represented by 12 members , and the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory by two members each .
18 Demonstrations against the military regime also took place on Oct. 5 , the first anniversary of the 1988 referendum in which the electorate had voted overwhelmingly against Pinochet 's continuation in office until 1998 [ see pp. 36344-45 ] .
19 Anti-US demonstrations in Tehran drew crowds of 2,000 on Jan. 18 and 5,000 on Jan. 21 ; demonstrations also took place in Orumiyeh , Karaj and Qom .
20 Talks on currency convertibility also took place between Bulgaria and the Soviet Union during November and December .
21 The first incident , in May , also took place in Ventersdorp , where the headquarters of the AWB was located [ see p. 38179 ] .
22 Similar incidents also took place in other Saxony towns and in western Germany at the end of September , and there were numerous arrests and injuries .
23 Other transfers also took place with Stock Accounting being transferred to the Management Accounting Section .
24 This was done most dramatically and ruthlessly in Latin America , e.g. in Mexico under Juarez in the 1860s or in Bolivia under the dictator Melgarejo ( 1866–71 ) , but it also took place on a large scale in Spain after the revolution of 1854 , in Italy after the unification of the country under the liberal institutions of Piedmont , and wherever else economic and legal liberalism triumphed .
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