Example sentences of "also [vb past] part " in BNC.

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1 Other internal Scottish Region expresses to Aberdeen and Inverness also became part of the Provincial empire , even though their carriages were still branded ‘ InterCity ’ for many years after sectorisation .
2 The adjustment was made more difficult by the fact that Vietnam also became part of Cold War tensions : the Chinese Communists , who triumphed in their own country in 1949 , gave aid to Ho Chi Minh , and the following year the Americans extended aid to the French .
3 Another leading Forum activist said that last night 's talks , in which the Communists were lead by the politburo member , Mr Vasil Mohorita , and in which the small political parties also took part , could produce a quick agreement .
4 The Cabinet changes were the subject of a day-long series of Downing Street meetings , in which Chris Patten and Richard Ryder , the Chief Whip , also took part .
5 Blake also took part in the joint planning meetings that were held between the CIA and MI6 during one of which , in December 1953 , the Berlin tunnel operation was approved .
6 The successful Cape to Cairo Expedition , in which Grace 's young brother Errol also took part , set out in 1925 , but the journey was a long one , and after that there were many arrangements to be wound up , so Herbert 's work in London was not complete until late the following year .
7 Six male managers in comparable positions also took part : Peter Willats , at the time of the tests assistant managing director of GKN Automotive , now running a Japanese company , the Kaizen Institute of Europe , which specialises in business training ; George Bain , principal of the London Business School ; Paul Newman , BT 's director of personnel policy ; Gordon MacDonald , director of remuneration at the Safeway supermarket group ; Nigel Pantling , director at merchant bank Schroder Wagg and — as Sally Clarke 's entrepreneurial opposite number — Paul Drayson , managing director of Lambourn Food Company .
8 We also took part in the Hammersmith Schools Sports event at the West London Stadium .
9 The local community also took part : people on the Joblink register were invited to use the expertise on hand in their own search for employment .
10 Ten other churches also took part .
11 She also took part in one or two television debates which were shown in the English Midland and London areas .
12 I also took part in conferences of Burma missionaries in Lahore , Lucknow and Mussourie , in which we began to think about the revival of our considerable educational work .
13 Nicknamed Cold Turkey , it was used to ferry supplies and personnel from the mainland to the New Guinea battlefields and also took part in the Nadzab landing which , at the time , was the world 's largest airborne troop assault .
14 The ERA-WACC delegates also took part in drafting the report of the Assembly 's working group on ‘ The Role of Mass Communication ’ .
15 Malaysia and Thailand also took part .
16 He also took part in the final ceremony of initiation into manhood which ends with a mass hugging .
17 Maginn also took part in the debate concerning the intermarriage of deaf and dumb people .
18 A visiting team from East Grinstead Crown Court also took part .
19 The Hungarian People 's Party , the Generation 's Party , the National Alliance , comprising four parties , and the Association of Political Prisoners also took part .
20 Sixteen other teams from insurance companies , brokers and loss adjusters in the Tayside area at the GX Superbowl in Dundee also took part .
21 In April Alan also took part in The Headway Trials , Bathgate .
22 While on bail , Colling also took part in a shopping trip with three others when they used a stolen credit card to buy petrol and goods from two supermarkets in Darlington .
23 G M B pensioners were represented on the first delegation to visit the E E C in Brussels , in an effort to secure parity with the pensions in other European countries , and we also took part in the pensioners parliament in Luxembourg last year , to help to draw up a Pensioners ' Charter for Europe .
24 Now , last weekend 's cycle ride down the new section of the M forty once looked threatened by being blown away as the Met Office warned of impending storms , but in fact the sun shone down on the riders and today , less than a week the counting is done and Mike Biddolph from Oxfordshire County Council , who also took part in the event , has come up with the grand total of — how much have you raised Mike ?
25 The hardships that Ceauşescu imposed were not only necessary to provide the funds and material for everything from the House of the People ( to which they would be denied access ) to canals without traffic and power-stations without fuel , but also formed part of the folk-wisdom of tyrants going back much further in history than Ceauşescu 's own model , Stalin .
26 However , Trazior also formed part of a mega-complex of hives densely crowding a poisoned terrain , interlinked by transport tubes supported on pylons or suspended from cables .
27 By 1859 the collection exceeded 1,400 pictures ; sculpture , bronzes , antique gems and cameos , enamels , coins , carvings , miniatures , and manuscripts also formed part of the collection .
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