Example sentences of "also [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Dr. Clarke had himself been a surveyor in the town in 1765 : he also cultivated the art of perspective drawing , examples of which can be seen in the plans he drew for Whitaker 's History of Manchester of 1765 and 1771 .
2 Mr de Klerk also announced the release of Oscar Mpheta , a legendary figure in the black trade union movement who , at 80 , is the country 's oldest political prisoner .
3 Within hours of Starkist 's press conference , their major US competitors , Van Camp and Bumblebee , also announced the introduction of similar policies , and an end to the long and bitter battle between US environmentalists and the tuna industry was at last in sight .
4 The company also announced the HP 3365 Chemstation for chromatographic data acquisition and instrument control , new Enviroquant target compound software for DOS GC-MS chemstations , a new on-line degasser for HPLC , called the HP G 1303A , and the new HP1050 series variable wavelength detector .
5 The company also announced the HA-M Series analytical balance .
6 Underlining their ‘ watchdog ’ role , Council also announced the suspension of membership of the Stratford Aircraft Collection following the group 's failure to repay a Council loan for the moving of an aircraft to their site .
7 Nippon DEC also announced the other day that it has developed and will be distributing software that interfaces the DEC VAX series with NEC Corp 's APEX 2400 and APEX 7400 series of PABXs .
8 The company also announced the ARC100 and ARC150 manufacturing kits that include the Advanced RISC Computing chip set as well as all of the hardware and software necessary to develop systems to run Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT .
9 The company also announced the signing of a joint agreement with Steve Jobs ' NeXT Inc to develop a database application programming interface between White Cross servers and Next workstations , due mid-1993 .
10 The division also announced the release of version 6.0 upgrades for its X Terminal range .
11 Meanwhile , NeXT also announced the general availability of NeXTStep 3.1 and claims orders for more than 40,000 copies of the software .
12 The company also announced the ARC100 and ARC150 manufacturing kits that include the Advanced RISC Computing chip set as well as all of the hardware and software necessary to develop systems to run Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT .
13 Sufficient unto the day is never the evil thereof when it comes to IBM Corp , so not content with giving its large systems users pause for deep thought , the company also announced the AIX High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing/6000 software for the RS/6000 Unix box .
14 It also announced the formation of a second sales team .
15 The government broadly accepted the Report 's recommendations in July 1971 when it issued the long-awaited Circular 7/71 which also announced the prospect of some small expansion of art and design courses .
16 King Birendra also announced the setting up of a commission of inquiry to look into allegations of police violence and a commission on constitutional reform .
17 Mobutu also announced the " depoliticization " of the civil service , the police , the armed forces and paramilitary forces ; additionally , free trade unions were to be established .
18 He also announced the launching of a television service on Nauru .
19 He also announced the cancellation as of Jan. 1 of the collection of RPT membership dues by means of deductions at source from all workers ' salaries .
20 He also announced the formation of a peace security force to deal with communal riots and terrorism in the future .
21 He also announced the formation of a committee to hold talks with the opposition [ see pp. 37767-68 ] .
22 Mitchell also announced the release of 7,000 acres of state-owned land to form 1,500 smallholdings as part of the government 's land distribution programme .
23 He also announced the investigation of such allegations by a commission of inquiry , the composition of which would be agreed by the main political organizations .
24 The conference also announced the dissolution of the Rally of the Togolese People ( RPT ) , the sole legal political party .
25 The United States government said in response to the coup that it would suspend some US$85,000,000 in military and economic aid ; France also announced the cut-off of $38,000,000 in aid , and European Community aid of $150,000,000 was expected to be suspended .
26 Botha also announced the opening of a trade mission in St Petersburg .
27 He also announced the possibility of further large cuts if an agreement could be reached with the Commonwealth of Independent States [ see also pp. 38744-45 ] .
28 He also announced the contribution of Rs200,000,000 ( about US$7,000,000 ) to an Indo-Mauritian fund to promote joint ventures between the two countries and indicated that India would play an increasing role in Mauritian industrial development .
29 He also announced the appointment of the three outgoing ministers , Mbayo , Bio and Kambo , as " main liaison officers " with direct responsibility for the work of several government departments .
30 Patten also announced the establishment of legislative committees to monitor government business , and the introduction of a monthly Governor 's question time in Legco .
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