Example sentences of "also [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 There are also parallels with ( and differences from ) anthropological structuralism ( Piaget 1971b ; Turner 1973 ) .
2 Budgetary decentralization not only undermines the primacy of central establishments and finance divisions within departments , but also conflicts with the hierarchical command structure typically found in bureaucratic organizations .
3 This involved using existing data and also meetings with representatives from organisations involved in economic development in the valley .
4 In the case of a retired official or minister , clearly there are contacts with Whitehall and Westminster , but in the case of somebody who 's spent his or her life in overseas service , there are also contacts with other governments . ’
5 But as social workers know all too well , family relationships and ‘ caring ’ relationships are also relationships with dramatic imbalances of power .
6 Family relationships and ‘ caring ’ relationships are also relationships with dramatic imbalances of power
7 People communicate mainly verbally , and tend to expect horses to understand not only precise commands like ‘ whoa ! ’ and ‘ trot ! ’ , but also words with a more abstract meaning like ‘ steady ! ’ and ‘ easy ! ’ .
8 Ericsson says the PABX can also interwork with Digital Equipment Corp 's Computer Integrated Telephony interface .
9 The impact of that has been different for older and younger generations and has affected the position of each generation in relation to financial support from relatives , and also assistance with accommodation .
10 Nevertheless , he secured peace , also reconciliation with Spain , although that was marred by the disclosure of the Guy Fawkes plan to blow up the House of Commons , in 1605 .
11 But there is also work with younger children in playgroups , play schemes or parent and toddler clubs .
12 There are also shortcomings with the theoretical notion that heroin use will eventually ‘ saturate ’ the potential user population .
13 There was also conflict with central government as authorities assumed a ‘ mandate ’ on issues such as defence and foreign policy .
14 According to Manuel Golias , an Education Ministry official working in teacher training , there are also difficulties with the image of society presented in the material .
15 By 1914 Japan had not only achieved revision of the unequal treaties , but also alliance with Britain and the beginnings of an empire .
16 There are also problems with 20th Century Fox , the US film group News Corp owns .
17 There were also problems with the semi-automatic gearbox and a broken constant-velocity joint , so much so that Mansell was eased into fourth place on the grid by a very impressive lap from his team mate .
18 There are also problems with the carp itself .
19 There were also problems with the Mogul mine when it was in operation .
20 There are also problems with the compression of morbidity thesis , most notably the lack of any clear and rigorous evidence of decreases in morbidity and the non-availability of measures of morbidity with which to test his proposition .
21 There are also problems with the CE mark , which shows that goods meet European standards .
22 There are also problems with words like unicorn , roc , elf and dragon .
23 There were also problems with halftone screens but anyone expecting decent halftones at 300 or even 600dpi is on a loser anyway .
24 There are also problems with this definition of " inflict " in s.20 with regard to s.23 of the same Act , which creates the offence of administering a noxious thing " … so as thereby to inflict … any grievous bodily harm …
25 There are also problems with barriers like weirs .
26 ‘ There are also problems with the services to Bishop Auckland , Shildon and Aycliffe . ’
27 There are also farmers with agricultural land .
28 The people who have raised the petition , in particular the Scunthorpe pensioners rights campaign , point out that they seek not only the restoration of the link that was broken in 1979 , but also parity with pensions in Europe .
29 Also firms with town centre premises have been hit by the uniform business rate and 1990 rating revaluation .
30 Also patients with schizophrenia , organic states , and some suffering from alcoholism .
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