Example sentences of "first [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's your introduction the first sentence that somebody 's going to read , yeah ?
2 Do n't get " hung up " on your first sentence or paragraph ; they 're always the most difficult .
3 Similarly it seems unlikely that the reader will bother to construct a three-dimensional , photographic representation of ‘ the baby ’ which cries in the first sentence and which is picked up in the second sentence .
4 If this does not work ( and I do n't think you actually have to go to France ) , you might try the recipe of the American crime short story writer , Robert Twohy , who writes out a first sentence and then sees if anything comes from it , and so on .
5 Take the first strip and fold it in half .
6 Searching may thus cease at the first level or spread down and out , through the analysis of the primitives or entity geometry , into a fine check of a region of local geometry .
7 They queued patiently for lifts and ascended through a " Titanic cobweb " to find a choice of Parisian , Alsatian , Russian and Anglo-American restaurants on the first level and a bird's-eye view of the Seine sparkling beneath .
8 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
9 When I 'd finished the first prayer and turned to face him , I saw that he was kneeling .
10 In May 1766 in Maldon , Essex , Sutton performed his first mass or general inoculation .
11 Bayla was the first CDex and UDex Rottweiler in New Zealand — a great achievement .
12 For although Piper 's manager Frank Warren thinks Benn believes he has made a big mistake in selecting Piper as a first challenger and does n't fancy the job , I suspect the opposite is true — he may think it is going to be too easy .
13 ‘ And it 's not the first money that Harvey has embezzled . ’
14 The first decision that has to be taken , then , is which medium — or combination of media — to use .
15 The first decision that you have to take when planning a publication 's layout is the underlying grid .
16 Mimed dance and danced mime However , the strict division of a ballet into four distinct kinds was eliminated by Fokine when he totally cut the scène d'action from his first ballets and never replaced them .
17 Warwicks-based Turner World Mowers ' first UK-designed and built machine is the Reachmaster 800SE long reach mower , shown for the first time at the recent Association of Drainage Authorities show .
18 Now the first story that I 've been asked to tell specially comes not from this country we 'll just let our lads here get dressed because you , you knew that the story was gon na come from a very hot country did you ?
19 erm because my grandmother wanted to see her first grandchild before she died .
20 I hate doing that , drives me up the wall the first bit cos I 've got all them houses in the first bit have n't I ?
21 Justin says he ran for the first bit and now has a big blister
22 You come in when Alice has finished the first bit and then you come .
23 Leonard Baskin has been chosen to portray F.D.R. 's first inauguration and , in the final room , his funeral cortège .
24 Now there 's a title which says what it is , but booksellers should beware of Longman 's Think Ahead to First certificate where the sequel ( Think First Certificate ) was published first .
25 ( eg. a BTEC First Certificate or Diploma or SCOTVEC National Certificate Modules in relevant studies , such as in Hotel and Catering ) , or have successfully completed a Catering YTS programme or hold appropriate CGLI certificates in catering and/or accommodation subjects ) .
26 Birth order — first child or first male or female .
27 Up for grabs are six travel awards from Larne to Cairnryan for the first male and female in each of three age categories .
28 I di I dive off the first board but I could n't even jump or drop off the second board .
29 The campanile dates from the first building and has a delightful bell loggia .
30 It became clear in the operation of the first category that , for example , strong social conscience or interest did not necessarily bring a concomitant skill in criminal advocacy .
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