Example sentences of "people have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until we demonstrate that , the case for increasing expenditure on elderly people has to be very modest , and related to what evidence we have about whether it will improve their welfare . ’
2 Issues relating to the counsellor 's own personal and family life will need to have been processed thoroughly because counselling other people has to be impartial ( rather than be affected by issues in the counsellor 's own personal life ) and because the counsellor himself or herself may become unsettled when an issued being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor 's personal experience .
3 He or she knows how , and can be trained , to manage fellow employees ; helping people to manage themselves is an essential core of management and managing relationships between people has to be concerned with always taking account of their attitudes and capacities .
4 So again the trend today is towards people having at least one overseas trip a year and possibly two or three short break weekends as well .
5 What sort of knowledge do people have of beliefs , expectations , hopes and so on ?
6 We might begin by asking : what knowledge do people have about processes beyond the boundaries of familiar reality ?
7 What attitudes do people have about their own sign language and about foreign sign languages ?
8 What motives did people have for their actions ?
9 I mean why do people have to kind of , if , if , if we accept for a minute that there 's something in this analogy , this model that Freud is talking about , why do people have this compulsive need to repeat like this , why do they have to repeat history ?
10 What faith would these people have in our system of administration of justice ?
11 What sort of build-up d' ya want to give me d' ya want people to have of you .
12 How can two people have a management consultant really know what 's going on and what the right sort of people to have for er supplementing the th the police authority are ?
13 ‘ Other people 'ave to , an' they 'ave more kids than us . ’
14 The point I 'm making however , is that a , a fairer way to judge this book , might be to say , not well let , let's reject everything in it that 's Lamarckian , cos it does n't fit with our modern prejudices , a fairer way , might be to read it the way we read Darwin 's works , where there is also considerable Lamarckenis Lamarckism , and say well , this is er , this is an understandable error , given the poor state of knowledge that people had about genetics at the time , and then try and make sense of it .
15 People had to be given the chance to exercise choice over schooling , hospital treatment , and housing .
16 Any of your people had to be vetted ?
17 There was , then , unanimous agreement that the overriding function of the continuation schools was to prepare their pupils for ‘ the efficient discharge of the duties of citizenship ’ , but it was also understood that in order to make this viable , young people had to be taught to ‘ increase their adaptability and skill in bread-winning occupations ’ .
18 Lots of people had to be refused .
19 Elderly people had to be rescued from their homes as ‘ a tidal wave of water ’ hit Lydney .
20 I remember removing the name-tapes of the former wearers ( who had left the school ) with a savage feeling that these people had to be got rid of , otherwise they would possess me as a living person is possessed by a ghost .
21 The people had to be obedient to the ruler and not question his government , just as the Yellow River was feared and respected .
22 So many people had to be pleased or mollified , and it was trying to do so many things at once , that the pages were hopelessly crammed with bitty stories .
23 When a treaty was eventually arrived at , it should be succinct , generalised and relatively magnanimous ; the psychological impact of the presence of occupation forces on the Japanese people had to be countered through flexible policies including reduction of total numbers of both tactical and non-tactical forces .
24 The Israelite people had to be kept free of contamination from outside sources , especially the corrupting influence of Canaanite religion .
25 First of all the native people had to be made to pay tribute , and this was achieved by the use of military expeditions …
26 I think its a bit of a simplification to say that its , its nature 's way of keeping us going , because actually er ro , the idea that romantic love is the start of a life long relationship that produces off spring is really quite recent , erm for , for most of history er marriage 's were on the basis of continuing er lines , continuing property and people had to erm some how or other cope with living with ano another person that might not necessarily have been the person that they would of chosen from love and , and this is still true in many societies and situations now .
27 Centuries before , according to Uncle Vernon , the water came right up into the town , and in rough weather people had to be carried ashore .
28 How it proved people had to be saved financially before you could save their souls .
29 He wrote two books : The Living Brain ( 1953 ) , which was popular science and was the first introduction that many people had to the brain , and a novel , Further Outlook ( 1956 ) , which was not very successful .
30 A surge of people had to be thrust back by the Sellswords .
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