Example sentences of "just [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Just the way it has to be .
2 Like home , like the home you dream of , where people accept you and love you just the way you are .
3 It 's just the way I make my noise . ’
4 He believes we are at a deeply significant turning point in human history and if we are to come through it we have to change not just the way people behave , but also the way in which they think .
5 On the cover Horowitz himself beams at us like a naughty gnome , and that is just the way his irrepressible musical personality comes over in the performances .
6 No one thought it odd , just the way things were in the ‘ old ’ South Africa .
7 Certainly , you do read the odd story that describes a person behaving in just the way we have outlined .
8 She describes herself as ‘ big and strong ’ , even though she readily admits she probably is n't actually that big — that 's just the way she feels about herself , the way she feels she has to be .
9 The Empire and the superiority it evidenced , was just the way things were , entirely natural .
10 He can do so in just the way that he believes the totality of appearances can be interpreted without belief in ‘ substances ’ , or that there is no further significance to existence than that it is not a predicate .
11 Just the way any woman talks to a baby , you understand ?
12 It was nearly four in the morning by now , and Boy was ready to sleep ; not exhausted , but content , knowing that the night was perfect just the way it was .
13 When you plant a fertile meme in my mind you literally parasitize my brain , turning it into a vehicle for the meme 's propagation in just the way that a virus may parasitize the genetic mechanism of a host cell .
14 For one thing they are impossible to reach now and that is n't the way it has to be , it 's just the way it always is .
15 There is a set of genes involved in patterning the embryo , the homeobox genes ( Chapter 7 ) , which are expressed in the developing limb buds in just the Way that would suggest that they may encode positional information .
16 To me , that is just the way people should behave , ’ says Houghton .
17 ‘ It 's just the way it 's happened .
18 It was true ; that was just the way it happened .
19 He has not done a lot of opera but thinks that it is just the way things worked out .
20 As generations followed the pattern of the maze , the earth energies may have illumined their forms in just the way that they may have done with the cup-and-ring marks and the pilgrims ' tracks .
21 It was just the way she was .
22 He goes out and talks to the lions every morning from the back of a land-rover , and they all have names , just the way the dairy herd had when we were children .
23 She had looked just the way the boy did , and Jean-Paul liked it because it made him feel …
24 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
25 You say things just the way I sense them and ca n't say them .
26 ‘ We need to get player representation involved when such changes are in the air because , frankly , I saw nothing wrong with the old laws — just the way some countries played them . ’
27 It — it 's Just the way my face is arranged , I suppose . ’
28 ‘ One day , ’ I told him , ‘ someone will walk in and fall in love with it just the way we did . ’
29 ‘ It 's your programme , just the way you want it , ’ and ‘ the programme in which you set the agenda , ’ said the announcer .
30 ‘ It 's just the way you are when you are with the lesbians in the group . ’
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