Example sentences of "just [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Punch bread and squatts worked a treat for Derek Bibby ( Complete Angler ) as he took just 4lb for first place in the Warrington AA match .
2 And you can enjoy it all for the special inclusive tariff of just £199 for two .
3 Available from your post office at just £2.99 for a pack of six , you 'll find them as convenient to use as normal Aerogrammes .
4 to service the service clan which , I do n't think will be controversial but erm I did just seat for the first part of report , the little bit about .
5 You are invited to become a friend of The Georgian Theatre Royal for a contribution of just £20 for one year .
6 and erm the rest is just cupboards for glasses and cutlery and my hu husband 's inevitable lots and lots of papers that he has everywhere
7 Clarissa , who started as the NCDL 's Public Relations Officer before her talents were put to wider use as Chief Executive , is currently promoting the Neutering Roadshow , where people who ca n't afford to have their dogs neutered pay just £10 for a voucher , redeemable at their local vet .
8 Just rats for drowning . ’
9 Just peace for us , peace .
10 I 'm just motoring for the pleasure of it , you see . ’
11 I picked up her pay packet once and she got just £45 for three nights ’ work .
12 Admission is just £1.50 for adults and 80p for children and senior citizens .
13 Just room for a quick update on the progress of the current Lyndhurst West Notebook , the Vortec 2040AX .
14 ‘ Darlings , do move up , there 's just room for tiny me if you do ! ’
15 They 're just guns for hire : tough guys sent on a job .
16 On July 31 and August 1 you can enjoy all the spectacular rides at Alton Towers for just £7.99 for adults , £7.50 for children [ under 14 ] and £5.00 for veterans — children under four are free .
17 I 'm just askin' for to go the way you 're goin' to ;
18 The experiments are not particularly relevant to anything , they 're just experiments for experiment 's sake , one experiment illustrating a particular bit of theory ; it does n't do anything particularly useful , you just look at an oscilloscope and take some readings and hence you can demonstrate this bit of theory .
19 For just £1.00 for each feature , you can receive any of those listed above .
20 The conclusion is drawn by many incomers that the arguments about ‘ good land ’ are just excuses for Shetlanders to assert their control over local society .
21 Jones was paid just £1,600 for his involvement in the video , which has ironically shot into the top 10 and threatens to gross more than £1 million .
22 As McLeish had observed to a colleague at the ti me , he 'd have understood the whole performance if the solicitor in question had been going to marry either of them , but there had been no question of that , it was just obfuscation for its own sake .
23 They are just suggestions for day and half-day excursions to take in the best of the scenery , rather than the villages the tours pass through .
24 Under income support regulations they were allowed £17 for each child every week , but under the student grant regulations they were allowed just £8 for each child per week .
25 What 's more , if you know at least nine other stamp collectors , you can join as a group member for even less — just £2.20 for two years and only £3.50 for five years !
26 A secret report obtained by The Northern Echo says the authority has earmarked just £590 for publicity and advertising in a bid to drum up more visitors .
27 The agreement signed on 12 May 1977 between Glitterbest and Virgin Records gave McLaren and the Pistols an initial payment of just £15,000 for the British rights for material sufficient for one Sex Pistols album , to be paid in twelve instalments .
28 Just friends for the moment .
29 Special all-day Purbeck Line runabout tickets are available during the weekend at £5 for adults and just £2.50 for children .
30 QUADRAVERB GT plus Rolls MT80 MIDI pedal , free if you will give me just £330 for the patch lead .
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