Example sentences of "only as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The avoidance of such fluctuations was considered desirable not only as a first stage in monetary union but also for the smooth operation of the Common Agricultural Policy , since food prices are calculated according to the exchange value of member currencies .
2 Such a service could act not only as a mediator between users and official agencies , but also deal with those aspects of heroin use that these agencies are unable or unwilling to resolve .
3 Black Eagle Street had been swallowed completely , surviving only as the dray walk , where casks were loaded .
4 We then had a rousing Le Corsaire pas de deux , with Elvira Tarasov and Igor Zelensky dancing just as Ruzimatov should have done in the Diana and Actaeon , with technical bravura but putting the choreography and music first , and themselves only as the servants of dance as an art .
5 Only as the client is thoroughly involved and comes to accept on deepening levels the process of change can our methods be effective in relation to our goals ( Bernstein , 1960 , p. 8 ) .
6 Only as the car approached them did Ludens think he glimpsed a figure standing in the shade under a tree .
7 I knew of Dominica only as the birthplace of Jean Rhys , a writer I deeply admire .
8 Only as the calls upon him grew more insistent did Coleridge 's mood darken .
9 Most artists use graphite , but only as the preliminary means to a further end , for a simple sketch to then cover with paint .
10 It was only as the girl grew older and she realized that her mother was simply mouthing words and had no intention whatsoever of carrying out her threat that she had begun to be able to relax and enjoy what was left of her childhood .
11 I left the aircraft in order to go for de-briefing but I got as far only as the jetty when an attack was made on the Sunderland by three Me109 aircraft .
12 In this lofty style his enemies were never mentioned by name , only as the sinister and impersonal ‘ they ’ , bent on destruction of Church and State .
13 Most artists use graphite , but only as the preliminary means to a further end , for a simple sketch to then cover with paint .
14 By the end of Elizabeth 's reign , the pope was regarded by an increasingly patriotic English people not only as the Antichrist but also as their sworn national enemy , a view that was deeply embedded in , and reinforced by , John Foxe 's highly popular Acts and Monuments , better known as the Book of Martyrs .
15 Many consumers did not even know of the charge until after the winter of 1948/9 when it was imposed ; because of cyclic meter reading , many received their winter bills only as the charge was lowered ; and some were never surcharged at all .
16 As for the G protein-linked receptors , signal transduction through tyrosine kinase receptors is an energy-requiring process because ATP is consumed not only as the two receptors interact ( autophosphorylation ) , but also during the subsequent phosphorylation of PLC- γ 1 ( Box 2 ) .
17 And only as the operation of the Acts was perceived did a groundswell of opposition develop .
18 Some approaches , including the conventional account of the industrial revolution , certain Marxist analyses and business-oriented researches , appear to emphasize productive forces as the prime mover , and are concerned with consumption only as the outcome of capitalist interests and the problem of ensuring that desire and demand correspond with the needs of industry .
19 Only as the cloverleaf began to appear as a grey shape in the otherwise black wall did I at last fall into a dream-wracked sleep .
20 Only as the men left did he relax sufficiently to give Constance a glance of bitter complicity and move his lips soundlessly .
21 Only as the Holy Spirit takes the ‘ foolish ’ message of the gospel home to people 's hearts , and convinces them of its truth ; that it is indeed ‘ the wisdom of God to every one who believes ’ ( 1 Cor. 1 : 18ff ) .
22 ( fl. 1260–1278 ) , cartographic patron , is known for certain only as the author or at least the patron of the late thirteenth-century world map preserved in Hereford Cathedral .
23 Only as the party faded did he turn his attention from politics to his estates .
24 Such a privilege comes only as the gift of Providence .
25 Only as the car was crunching softly to a halt in the gravel of the yard did Charlotte ask suddenly , but in a tone so subdued as to suggest that she had been contemplating the question for some time , and refrained from asking it only for fear of the answer :
26 Perhaps she needed this interlude only as the lover needs a rest from loving .
27 It was only as the conversation progressed that her function at G.W. Fashions was revealed .
28 This does not mean that democracy is conceived only as the political form assumed by the rule of the bourgeoisie , even though it is historically an achievement of the bourgeoisie , a real advance upon the preceding forms of government and a ‘ progressive ’ feature of capitalism .
29 In the same way , the contrasting development of the Western European societies may also become comprehensible only as the outcome of distinctive political , religious or other forces working within a particular mode of production .
30 Similarly , Poulantzas in his criticism of Miliband insisted strongly upon the character of the state and social classes as ‘ objective structures ’ , conceived individuals only as the ‘ bearers ’ of ‘ objective instances ’ , and rejected those alternative conceptions which introduce the purposes of conscious social actors into the analysis .
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