Example sentences of "only for [num] " in BNC.

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1 Broadleaves account for 36 per cent of British woodland , although only for 18 per cent in Scotland , with oak , beech , ash , sycamore and birch the main species .
2 Mrs O'Brien here at her home in Slough , was told by her husband that the loan back in nineteen eighty seven was only for sixty thousand pounds , the bank did n't correct this or give her independent advice .
3 DRDOS seems to have drivers only for 286 and upwards machines but I eventually got EMM.SYS which was also to be found locked away in my ROM and got the machine to recognise the expanded memory .
4 4 Repeat with the sprouts but only for 1 min .
5 Only for five years between 1945 and 1983 has approval for the Prime Minister exceeded that of his party by more than 10 per cent , and Harold Wilson , and Harold Macmillan are the only post-war premiers to have retained the support of 50 per cent or more of the electorate for two successive years .
6 Of these , one , the Office of Wards , survived into the seventeenth century ; another , the powerful Surveyor of the King 's Prerogative , lasted only for five years .
7 This is expressly ruled out in the Act , but only for five years , although the Conservative Education Association recommended that the period should be ten years .
8 Now Mr Davies is told the gypsies can stay , but only for five years .
9 Under the so-called cost floor rule , discounts are restricted according to the level of outstanding debt on the house , but only for five years .
10 Only for five minutes .
11 Great efforts have been made to restore the salmon runs on rivers in the American north-east , only for 70-90 per cent of the fish to be caught when they reach the rich feeding grounds off the west coast of Greenland .
12 The Yorkshire is taking the same approach but also provides booster discounts that will cut the cost of a mortgage by 2.55 per cent for first-time buyers , but only for six months .
13 A landlord can distrain against goods and effects compromised in the bankrupt 's estate but only for six months ' rent accrued due before the commencement of the bankruptcy ( s347(1) ) .
14 One joke had a candidate for the Waffen-SS being asked at the muster whether he was willing to sign on for the duration of the war ; to which , he replied : ‘ No , at first only for twelve years . ’
15 Remember that a subpoena in the High Court , once issued , is valid only for twelve weeks and must be served not less than four days before the day on which the witness is required to attend before the court unless the court fixes a shorter period .
16 aware that erm the retention of this site is essential for expansion , since the British Library after forty years in construction has room for , will have room only for twelve hundred readers not many more than Great Russell Street while the French National Library which has taken only five years to build and will be completed next year , will have room for three-and-a-half-thousand readers .
17 Figure 3.5 shows a binary trie for the same lexicon , after Srihari ( Srihari et al , 1983 ) who implemented a trie to represent a lexicon , but only for 1,724 words ( see figure 1.1 ) .
18 When the eighth wicket went down England were still nine behind , only for two unlikely heroes to emerge .
19 The mothers were given milk-with-soya to drink for two days or soya only for two days — there was an interval of two , four or six days between the milk challenges .
20 The programme would have captured the imagination of TAMZIN DAVIS , 14 , if she 'd stumbled upon it while tuning her radio — but only for two minutes .
21 It had just one room up and one down , big enough only for two people to live in .
22 It is rare for companies to have formal arrangements for finding work for the spouse of a relocated employee especially as a typical posting to the UK is only for two or three years .
23 ‘ Well , yes , ’ said the comfortable border voice , pondering , ‘ I can give you a single room , but only for two nights , I 'm afraid .
24 Both the bottom-up and top-down methods used by analysts usually provide growth forecasts only for two years ahead .
25 Millions visit Czechoslovakia every year but only for two or three days at a time as services are poor .
26 But only for one passing second .
27 Only for one week in May , when the Corporation screens ‘ commercials for the plant ’ , a series of brief ‘ infobites ’ made by top ad agencies to draw attention to environmental issues .
28 As well for garden planting for show or cutting , thy make stately pot-grown plants , but only for one year as they are unable to find enough plant nutrients to sustain them for another year .
29 A striking feature of the campaign is the firm grasp voters seem to have of the main issues , and the shrewdness and acumen they show in arguing not only for one side or the other but for all sides at once .
30 It is true that warrants to the police in criminal investigations may be renewed only for one month .
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