Example sentences of "only the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was given only the pau . ’
2 Had Prince Charles been an innocent party in the breakdown of his marriage , he could still have gone on to take not only the throne but the leadership of the C of E. But he is not .
3 If we keep only the email message and lose the medium we give up much valuable information .
4 Here again I am reminded of the words uttered by a sage : ‘ The wise man seeks Perfection — only the fool would expect to find it . ’
5 ‘ It 's only the siren .
6 Only the map and a few 10ps .
7 In the event , only the education centre got permission — all the others being refused .
8 The board needs little preparation since once the skeg is attached only the daggerboard has to be slid into its case .
9 He has triumphed by attacking a system that sucks the marrow from the body of the industry to leave only the flab and gristle of tired ideas .
10 I was grateful for the Foreign Secretary 's friendly reference to me at the Conservative party conference , and his acceptance of my expertise on one subject — even though it was only the cinema .
11 It was not only the blow of failing to win power , and with it all hopes of a Scottish parliament , but also the fact that Labour lost votes and a seat in Scotland — facts which are conveniently forgotten when home-rulers and guardians of the party 's traditional totems blame failure in the south for Labour 's lack of achievement in the north .
12 If the aim of judicial review is seen as being only the protection of individuals ( whether people or organizations ) , this would suggest and justify standing rules which require the applicant to show that he , she or it is specially affected by what has been done or decided .
13 NOTE : The subject area should be covered by background material , and the reference area should contain only the reference card .
14 Level 4 — recalculates the blackout and whiteout values by calling getBoundaries , but this time only the reference area is looked at .
15 One of the first to go ashore at St Pierre after the disaster was the Vicar-General of Martinique , Monsieur Parel , who was at Fort-de-France on the morning of the eighth , having left St Pierre only the afternoon before .
16 She said only the English , that bizarre race , did that .
17 Against this all-pervading force , there is only the principle of life .
18 Sadler was no doubt thinking of the climate of opinion in which his inquiry was conducted , in particular the movement for ‘ National Efficiency ’ which questioned not only the principle of voluntaryism , but also the apparently redundant individualism of late nineteenth-century Liberalism .
19 Aw , c'm on , it was just like that in Australia not long ago : one of the wire services reports in a condescending way that under local law , the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil recognises only the principle of priority in brand names , so that companies like IBM Corp , Xerox Corp and Sony Corp have had to ‘ buy back ’ their names before they could do business under them in Brazil ; the US is pressing Brazil to change the law to protect internationally recognised brand names — but it is not so long ago that , legend has it , an enterprising travelling Australian spotted that car hire was becoming big business , so when he got home , he registered the names Hertz and Avis , sold the Hertz name back to the company when it wanted to set up in Australia — and then used the cash he got from Hertz to set up the Avis concession in Australia .
20 For example , to describe the lexicon , morphology and syntax of Javanese one would need to distinguish three levels of respect to addressees and two levels of respect to referents ( Geertz , 1960 ; Comrie , 1979b ) ; to describe the particles of a number of South American Indian languages one would need to distinguish between sentences that are central versus those that are peripheral to the telling of a story ( Longacre , 1976a ) ; to describe the third person pronouns of Tunica one would need to distinguish not only the sex of the referent , but also the sex of the addressee ( so there would be two words for " she " depending on whether one is speaking to a man or a woman ; Haas , 1964 ) , while in some Australian languages the pronouns encode the moiety or section ( kinship division ) of the referent , or the kinship relation between referents ( e.g. there are sometimes two words one of which means " you-dual of the same moiety " and another " you-dual in different moieties from each other " ; Dixon , 1980 : 2-3 ; Heath et al.
21 The answer was ‘ no ’ , roughly speaking , unless one knew not only the machine code but , most importantly , what the highest level language in question was , and the one from which the binary code had been obtained when the program ran .
22 The safest way to do this is to write a program which consists of only the machine code routines and enough BBCBASIC(Z80) to assemble them .
23 Moreover , as a result of the defences of act of God , act of a third party and statutory authority , the courts must investigate not only the reasonableness of the accumulation , but also the defendant 's responsibility for its actual escape .
24 Discipline is the foundation of the Force and means not only the performance of specific orders but implies a willing and prompt obedience , proper respect to senior officers and loyalty to the service .
25 Only the boy looked at the two men sledging a length of iron on the outside anvil .
26 Only the boy seemed now quite at ease .
27 If her husband went to prison , leaving only the boy and herself to cope …
28 Only the intelligentsia remained loyal to the idea of an independent Poland .
29 Only the intelligentsia remained loyal , but their social importance was far too slight for the task of achieving an independent Poland .
30 Not only the intelligentsia but also conservative officials and the tsar appear to have recognized the fact .
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