Example sentences of "only go [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus only goes to pray by himself once and not three times .
2 A fanciful idea by some toy manufacturer which only goes to underline what was said previously about imagination and licence !
3 Paradoxically the choice of subjects only goes to prove that most new jobs in British engineering are paid for by defence contracts .
4 And when the second person starts to speak , the first person goes through the same performance until there is a chance to interrupt and say : ‘ To get back to what I was saying … ’ or ‘ This only goes to prove my point … ’
5 I still have the dress , which only goes to prove once again how difficult I find it to throw anything away !
6 But this elaborate operation it 's claimed only goes to prove that hooliganism rather than disappearing is just lurking beneath the surface .
7 ‘ That 's a very chauvinistic remark , and only goes to prove you must be associating with the wrong kind of woman . ’
8 it 's a fabulous aeroplane , and this excercise only goes to prove it
9 No , no , especially if you 've only got one daughter and it only goes threw once and , I mean the list is so long .
10 There is some Jewish blood on my maternal grandfather 's side , so this only goes to show the uncanny power of the tinkering race .
11 The fact that the strycholine/glycerophosphate mixtures are still sold , in preference to much more effective and well-researched active substances , and despite their clear dismissal by pharmacologists , only goes to show how little modern medicine is concerned with these kinds of treatments .
12 It only goes to show that compared to the mid-80s , when there was just Eddie Hemmings and I battling for an England place , there is now much tougher competition at the top .
13 ( Though if one simply considers ‘ all women ’ as against ‘ all men ’ , such a finding invariably fails to emerge ; which only goes to show that lumping all women together masks important and interesting facts . )
14 Illustrated were no less than two aero-engines , one in-line , the other rotary , two motor-cycles , various fuselage insignia and other items , which only goes to show that there is nothing new in collecting such things .
15 Gambles of any kind are ‘ adventurist ’ to the Kremlin 's way of thinking , and the episode only goes to show what a maverick figure Khrushchev was .
16 Which only goes to show ( so it is said ) that existential propositions are general propositions , or else they do not qualify as genuine propositions at all .
17 All this evidence only goes to show how easy it would be to build up a completely distorted picture of the life of Massalia in the Hellenistic period .
18 This only goes to show how narrow minded and blinkered Cosroe is compared to Tamburlaine .
19 ‘ Anyway , I did n't realise it was Lori you were protecting , which only goes to show how mixed up you 'd got me , until the note arrived telling me you had the jade .
20 So even at ten and a half percent rejection , if you look at the latest figures , it costs you thirty pounds a month for an Eagle Star low-cost super super-duper endowment , but at the end you 're only going to replace your money , if you 've got erm the ten and a half growth rate , ten and a half percent , which is unlikely i in current circumstances .
21 However , having been off last week , I have n't been able to do that , but I have made all the amendments and I was only going to talk us through those that needed everybody to know about them .
22 ‘ I was only going to say , there 'd be no point in blackmailing him .
23 I 'm only going to say it once .
24 I was only going to say , Chair , that before my time in local government , that I 've mine as an observer each side , er , there was no problem for local authorities to raise a rate , er , there was no restrictions on this , and if they thought they could get away with it politically , they did , and they provided the services , that , that they believed people wanted .
25 I was only going to say Chairman I wish people would n't band the figures around the council chamber which nobody has seen before therefore ca n't assess .
26 Why on earth should he want to , they 're only going to sell for his own work if he does n't .
27 Could have said , if if if the finances of that , depends on selling alcohol , then , I think it 's time Norwich City Council made a stand , and say we 're only going to sell non-alcoholic drinks .
28 There is no side in the world which starts the game by saying ‘ we are not going to score tries today , we are only going to kick ’ .
29 I 'm only going to give him his medicine . ’
30 Here we are not only going to give you technical details , but also try and tell you what it means to us as a Community .
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