Example sentences of "just begin [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hydrologists measure the drying out of the soil in terms of the amount of rainfall that would be needed to make water just begin to move downwards again .
2 Her face looked anguished as if she had been secretly angry and victimized for a very long time and it was just beginning to seep out .
3 The wheats look good , with Apollo just beginning to turn , he adds .
4 In the same pan , dissolve the sugar in one tablespoon of water over a low heat , then cook until just beginning to turn golden .
5 The beer was just beginning to turn a little sour in his stomach , and his bladder felt very full .
6 There was a small wood behind it , climbing up the slope of the hill , with oak and beech just beginning to turn orange and yellow with autumn colours .
7 The residents of Monte Samana were just beginning to stir , and the smell of strong Spanish coffee wafted from open windows and balconies as she drove along the flower-edged lanes of the complex and out of the main gate towards the village .
8 " We were only just beginning to listen to Bach " , said one Iranian businessman .
9 But someone like Vera Brittain was only just beginning to explore the problem of ‘ how a married woman without being inordinately rich , can have children and yet maintain her intellectual and spiritual independence ’ in the years following World War I. The small number of married women who pursued an active public life between the wars continued to assume that home and family were part of their natural responsibilities and solved the problem — as women with as diverse political views as Brittain and Violet Markham recognised — through the employment of domestic servants .
10 In the south of the county what was to be the most appalling town of all — St Helens — was just beginning to defile its surroundings .
11 I could , of course , turn my head , I was just beginning to realize that I was constantly holding my head with excessive tension .
12 Hollywood was just beginning to realize that the old phenomenon of stars might have an added significance in a period of depression and there must have been considerable delight in the studios at the alacrity with which the critics took up the subject of Cagney .
13 I was weak and exhausted , and only just beginning to realize what had happened .
14 We are only just beginning to realize from research just how much this is so .
15 ‘ Mike , I 'm just beginning to wonder , ’ Wexford said wearily , ‘ if McCloy is n't a myth , a fiction .
16 That car 's been parked there over a week , and I was just beginning to wonder about ringing the police .
17 The bands are just beginning to drift through , but Relief is still on stage .
18 The word pirate was perhaps not so strong a term of condemnation as in later centuries : European rulers were only just beginning to acquire for themselves , on behalf of their states , a monopoly of the use of force .
19 All the women in the conference planning group had so far been white , and we were only just beginning to respond to Black women 's demands that we examine our racism , and tackle it .
20 A lot of people have made that mistake and the kids think ‘ Hang on a minute , we 're just beginning to like that stuff ’ , then you change to something completely different .
21 We did find time for some work at Orkney which even produced a few seizures , but we were a little early for the oil traffic which was only just beginning to affect the island .
22 Bake for 15 minutes until just beginning to colour .
23 FA Cup Final fever may be dissipating but excitement is only just beginning to mount over plans for a croquet centre of excellence .
24 Chop the spring onions and sauté in 25g ( 1oz ) butter for 2–3 min or until just beginning to soften .
25 Their social and economic pre-eminence was just beginning to seem more precarious and they wholeheartedly welcomed vigorous confirmation of the regime 's commitment to the status quo .
26 I was just beginning to stop sweating when Jan leaned over and whispered : ‘ Why did n't you tell me he was a nancy boy , dear ?
27 Combines are just beginning to move in the midlands , with harvest start dates well adrift of last year 's .
28 In 1950 there were 174 000 students at the universities just beginning to emerge from the painful post-war reconstructions .
29 The man who ushered in a golden age of middle-distance running , Brendan Foster , was at the peak of his powers and the two men who were to carry it to the greatest heights , Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe , were just beginning to emerge .
30 With the primitive microclimate generators just beginning to emerge from the orbital factories of Domino Valparaiso , they woke the slumbering ecology and shook it rudely .
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