Example sentences of "me [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It never struck me that every time I cut my finger and the cut heals , something other than a piece of Elastoplast has rushed to the rescue .
2 I read a lot , Joe , and it appears to me that every man , even every thinking man has always had a different view of the same subject ; the more I read of men and their lives and their ideas the more I realise there 's no black and white in the world ; there 's good points to be found even in the blackest , and there 's some very dark streaks in the so-called saints .
3 Common sense and what little knowledge of history I have tells me that every man has his price .
4 I was touched when my dad told me that every night he stood on the back doorstep and said goodnight to John .
5 Inspector Blakelock , he 's the Assistant Police Liaison Officer , told me that every human being has a unique fingerprint and no two types of blood are exactly the same .
6 Is he telling me that every young person in Devon who does not have a job has a YT place ?
7 But it seems to me that every time I 've open a newspaper over the past two or three years , Stuart Bell , the Labour MP for Middlesbrough , has been staring out at me .
8 ‘ It seems to me that a new play like Shadowlands needs to be exposed to different audiences before it settles down .
9 It does not seem to me that a reader principally interested in capitalism , or imperialism , or the theories of such Marxist writers as Althusser or Gramsci would turn to a book such as this , and so I have kept discussion of these topics to a minimum .
10 My paper tells me that a dispute over pay between the leading British manufacturer of seaside rock and his chief sugar boiler has left the latter jobless and the former with umpteen sticks of rocks bearing the legend Mean Bastard all the way through .
11 He tells me that a girlfriend of his was fishing , with her mother , from a rowing boat in the fjord near Tromsø one day .
12 ‘ My father told me that a woman 's body odour was the sexiest smell in the world . ’
13 Someone has told me that a new carb would help , someone else reckons the distributor would be best changed .
14 Birch fails to convince me that a more traditional theology could not do the job .
15 She informed me that a double room at the front was available , though I was welcome to it for the price of a single .
16 Again , it is unbelievable to an ordinary Rottweiler fanatic like me that a dog of this quality could be bought .
17 However Dave Crockford tells me that a trend is becoming apparent !
18 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
19 It astonished me that a man who had kept his head under the most severe stresses and strains should lose both nerve and judgement in this way .
20 The idea for this book began in the back of a taxi , the night a friend told me that a famous Scottish football manager had enjoyed rampant sex in a television studio with a well known TV presenter .
21 On the way , I remember Aunt Rachel telling me that a station was Rugby , which meant that we were then right in the centre of England , whilst a bit later on , I was told to look out to see the Welsh mountains .
22 On another occasion David Bellamy said to me ‘ You ca n't tell me that a canoe would not disturb an otter ’ .
23 Then about four days later it was pointed out to me that a real earthquake actually hit Germany last week , and she was n't being poetic at all , and I actually felt cheated of the wave of emotion I had felt towards her .
24 MH : I remember somebody told me that a member of the public asked that question and was told it could be either five minutes or 40 years !
25 It seemed ridiculous to me that a guy with his experience and ability should have to accept the restrictions of a Number Two .
26 IT does n't surprise me that a survey showed very few Britons would give up their pet for £1m .
27 I opened the front door , and the merest sniff — choking and sulphuric — told me that a chimney was on fire , and it was n't ours .
28 Our GP told me that a drug called Dexamethazone , although in no way a cure , would probably help Nigel 's state of mind by reducing the pressure of the growth on his brain .
29 The house agent had assured me that a bathroom and lavatory had been installed upstairs above the scullery ; looking at those nettles , I hoped he had told the truth .
30 The potential cast for telling that story is vast , and it strikes me that a large number of both major and important minor characters is absent from Rosenthal and Joachimedes 's list .
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