Example sentences of "me [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He wanted me to drive on and I was in no position to argue .
2 His only answer was a wave of the arm , signalling me to drive on .
3 How long would it take me to drive up there ? ’
4 But sometimes the Earl would ring me at home at night and ask me to drive back to Althorp because the Countess was in floods of tears .
5 He did n't need me building up yet more false hopes which did nothing except try his patience .
6 However , these were now too low and my prospects too poor for me to continue along that track .
7 I can imagine what he 'll think if you ring him up and say you 've found me weeping over my special patient !
8 I wondered what on earth John would think if he saw all this ; his friends in church , many for the first time in years , strangers saying prayers for him , me weeping over his photograph .
9 In this programme I 'm going to sketch in a bit of the background , by way of introduction , and in later weeks , various colleagues of mine , concerned with all aspects of the computing world , will be helping me build up the over-all picture .
10 Statue of me Gazing out
11 Extract 1 : The ghost One day me met a witch Jamaica [ inaudible ] me ( gor ra ) mother — me saw her dere , me sit down an she tell me all the story alrigh% ?
12 ‘ But Mr Carson said ‘ Are you going to make me sit down ? ’
13 mummy me sit down and , and
14 My mam moved away but the landlord would n't let me stay on because I was on social security .
15 Even when he was n't there he 'd let me stay on .
16 Or when Tom says , ‘ My teacher made me stay in today ’ , parents would do well to resist the temptation to answer , ‘ Now what have you done ? ’ , or ‘ I suppose you deserved it ’ , replies which would have inflamed his feelings .
17 My God , George thought , cringing , he wants me to kill off more of that fossilised brain .
18 Type Report on Yugoslav Spitfires by Peter Arnold in the April issue ( p70 ) evoked many memories for me and caused me to rummage around for some half-forgotten photos of nearly half a century ago , and there it was , Mk VcJK808 ‘ B ’ with yours truly in attendance .
19 Oh erm let me slow down this bit , erm no it 's twen , oh it is twenty six ninety nine anywhere else , I 've seen it but in Argos , Wi , well William looked in the catalogue on Tuesday for me , but he said it was nineteen ninety nine in Argos
20 You see , I know my father would have wished me to carry on just now . ’
21 He expects me to carry on up at the manor as though it 's just another working day. ?
22 And I finally went back to my G P on the seventh day which was a Saturday in the morning , and he told me to carry on taking the drug .
23 ‘ You ca n't possibly expect me to carry on this sort of charade — not for that length of time ? ’
24 ‘ You just do n't want me to carry on my business , do you ? ’ she hit back , angered at his refusal and refusing to see the rest as a compliment .
25 ‘ You ca n't make love to me like that and then expect me to carry on as if nothing 's happened .
26 It was important to learn about , for example , bookselling from experienced booksellers who then , accepting the genuineness of my interest and the possible value of my research , were generous in helping me with it and allowing me to carry out surveys in bookshops .
27 Now you 've made it impossible for me to carry out an interview despite the fact I 've been extremely patient "
28 Indeed , he predeceased Sir Nelson , which made my task a little easier , inasmuch as it was not necessary for me to carry out complicated inquiries in India .
29 that 'll save me phoning up to say can I have a script please
30 I am writing this partly to get it clear in my head and to help me make up my mind .
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