Example sentences of "did not much " in BNC.

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1 Nikolaus Pevsner did not much like Bridehead 's rather whacky Tudor style , referring to it in his Buildings of England as ‘ excruciatingly awkward ’ .
2 The Lebanese press had obligingly produced a comic version of McFarlane ; but the film versions of both Reagan and North were also set as early as November 1986 , and did not much change thereafter .
3 He told me this gaily , as if it did not much matter whether I believed it or no .
4 It was plain then that we did not much like the French way .
5 Though I was floundering , I did not much care .
6 That he might die , he did not much care , not , as he lay , and without protest , after what had already happened .
7 Ivy , who did not much care for books about ‘ Abroad ’ — though if you sent her one she would say politely that it would be ‘ a companion ’ — was pleased to have a novel set in England and in the past .
8 They did not much like Oliver Cromwell and his dangerous toleration of loose religion , but his regime gave them the chance to start again .
9 ‘ I 'm sorry for making such a fuss , ’ Joan said apologetically , drying her eyes — before taking a few sips of the wine which she did not much like .
10 ‘ You must be Nicholas Breakspear , ’ he said carelessly , as though he did not much care whether I was or not .
11 Rufus was not squeamish , he had not been one of those medical students who become nauseous at their first sight of surgery , but , curiously enough he did not much like to think of all those odd little bones , so alien to him , so unidentifiable , being dug up and sorted out and sifted through in case there should be a human fibula among them or a vertebra .
12 Anna thought he did not much notice the country , earth , growing things ; but then he had not observed city things much , either .
13 In historically accurate terms these settled states had ceased to be colonies fourteen years before Howard 's death , but that probably did not much matter south and west of the Red River which forms the north-east boundary of what was then known as Tejas , or Tehas .
14 Charles was not inclined to look too hard at what he was giving away in the charters he issued , and he issued two charters , one to the Earl of Carlisle and one to Sir William Courteen , which covered the same islands , probably because people in England did not know much about the geography of the area and possibly did not much care .
15 Tom did not much like the long train journey through Harrow and Northwood and Wembley down to Baker Street , and the changing and the waiting .
16 He did not like children ; he did not much like anything .
17 She did not much like his way of kissing , for it was hot and suffocating , and she was glad when he stopped , and released her , and reverted to his grip upon her knee .
18 So they greeted her with comforts and praise , and said they liked the colour , and Janice lent her a necklace ; Clara did not much like the necklace either , for it was made of large artificial pearls , and she secretly suspected the donor of malicious intent in offering such a loan , but she put it on just the same , and ignored her suspicions , and allowed herself to be comforted , because she wished to be comforted , and because it was too late to get out of going .
19 Her family did not much understand gardening either , and took little pleasure in the fruit of their unskilled , social labours ; as far back as she could remember , Clara could recollect her mother 's perpetual nagging at her father to cut the lawn , her father 's occasional outburst of resentment against the boys who trampled on the borders .
20 In Wales the Unionists had only two coupons out of twenty-two , because most of the sitting Liberals backed Lloyd George , but this did not much impress Welsh Unionists .
21 It was as if they were taking off my clothes , garment by garment , and did not much appreciate what they saw .
22 She , Esther and Alix had known one another since their Cambridge days , and often met , but an evening with them necessarily excluded Charles : Esther and Alix did not much care for the world that Charles represented , and his presence inhibited all three of them .
23 Ancient states did not much practise ‘ economic policies ’ in our sense , but they liked to control their own sources of corn , and of silver for the purpose of coining .
24 ( c ) When she raised the question of blood transfusions the only response was to lull her into a sense of false security , both the staff nurse , in her express words , and Dr. F. in his demeanour and the obstetrics staff nurse explicitly , all sought to indicate that it did not much matter since there appeared to them to be no prospect of a blood transfusion becoming necessary .
25 From the outset he had decided that he did not much care for the tall fair youth who seemed to look down his long nose at everything .
26 Like some others of his generation around the Shah , he did not much like the Queen .
27 American women , they learned , did not much care for murky colours but wanted bright yellows and apple greens , vibrant colours which were hardly used at all in Europe .
28 She had more or less accepted that she would go to hell for her crime , and did not much care what would happen to her after death .
29 The short notice I did write was my first appearance in that journal , and I recall that Rowse did not much like it ; but then he did not like Collingwood either .
30 Landed proprietors generally did not much invest in the funds , although some individual peers had substantial holdings .
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