Example sentences of "did not quite " in BNC.

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1 The older of the young ones let out a sniggering laugh which developed into a hiccoughy laugh , the younger one hissed out , fuckin' bloody Paki ; a third voice , I could n't tell whose , said something which I did not quite understand but sounded like , and indeed was , National Front .
2 Mick Keebles , the World Cup captain , heads the off-campus contingent , which also includes John Jenkins , a centre who briefly returned to rugby union with Waterloo on leaving Leeds Polytechnic , but decided it did not quite match the real thing .
3 Their first attempts to invent an anti-hero strong enough to vie with the popularity of Tarzan and Superman , and soft enough to melt the hearts of children , did not quite come off : ‘ I drew him bigger and more handsome .
4 The political defeats of the 1930s ‘ shipwreck ’ the avant-garde , and furthermore , through a kind of extension ( since one assumes Anderson 's tripartite conjuncture fuelled even those Modernist forms which did not quite take the transformatory step into engaged avant-gardism ) come to determine ‘ the more general exhaustion of Modernism ’ .
5 He did not quite begin in rags ; he was the great-grandson of an Irish immigrant to New York , where his father worked in the cleaning department of the borough of Queens .
6 Even in the ‘ poll-tax ’ dominated months of 1990 we did not quite reach that point .
7 Tug stared into a big kitchen/living-room full of old , heavy furniture that did not quite match .
8 For some reason that Jinny did not quite understand , it was the last straw .
9 He rewarded me with a puzzled smile , as if he wanted to show he did not quite believe me , then with a kiss from sun-blistered lips , dry and firm .
10 Dorothea supposed that change must affect even such trivialities as the uniform of waitresses , although she did not quite see why , and it was a note of uncertainty in an otherwise happy day .
11 However , the arrival of the French did not quite coincide with the national uprising of ‘ 98 .
12 His voice did not quite work properly .
13 All the furniture in it hung from the ceiling by long mouldy ropes and did not quite touch the ground .
14 Jack reckoned he was known amongst his male friends of that era as the Great Seducer — his own words — but friend-for-life Robert Towne did not quite remember it that way .
15 In his move towards the latter , perhaps at that time he did not quite appreciate how influential to himself and others Roger Corman had become in providing the schooling for some of the most important film-makers of the second half of the twentieth century .
16 The truth was that the two women between them had raised the nine million dollars needed to make The Dawn of Dreams , and they had done it with such consummate feminine grace that the handsome , silver-haired head of the family did not quite understand that his title of producer was merely honorary .
17 Coming out of the blue as it did , I did not quite know how to reply to such a suggestion .
18 Solly Zuckerman and J. D. Bernal were roped into Combined Operations Headquarters ( COHQ ) by Lord Louis Mountbatten , along with that lateral thinker Geoffrey Pyke ( New Scientist , 30 July 1981 , p 302 ) , the inventor of the giant iceberg ship Habbakuk and many other projects which did not quite come to fruition .
19 While the Danzig Poles were not keen for the city to come under Polish rule , they were nevertheless determined that they should not be penalised for being Polish , and in their own way they were proud of their identity — even if it did not quite amount to ‘ nationality ’ in a conventional sense .
20 Beside the King and the Archbishop , the Bishops of Paphos and Limassol , the several abbots , the Knights Hospitaller of the Order and the ecclesiastical officers of the Cathedral , stood a thick , black hairy fellow in a battered conical cap with a veil , below which an assortment of robes vaguely Greek and vaguely Coptic did not quite cover the stained brown habit of a Franciscan friar .
21 She told me that she did not quite know where to begin .
22 Kenneth Clarke , who did not quite take the country by storm during the election , as predicted , has nonetheless been rewarded with one of the great offices of state : the Home Office .
23 Colin Stephens did not quite convince that he was the Messiah in waiting at flyhalf although his coolly taken first-half drop goal showed that he can perform under pressure .
24 I get the impression that the poet did not take death seriously , did not quite believe in it .
25 But I did not quite agree with Riegl 's methodology .
26 His plea was well received by his listeners who , if they did not quite accept his characterisation of the present moment as a ‘ cultural war ’ between the advocates of free expression and individuals he referred to as ‘ know-nothings ’ , nonetheless were happy , even relieved , to have something resembling moral high ground from which to defend themselves in the controversy and even take the battle back to the ‘ enemy ’ .
27 He did not quite say , ‘ Jairmany calling !
28 The answer , as was often the case with Baldwin , was that he did not quite know .
29 The room itself would have been enough to efface any human material less striking than Clelia 's mother , and it did indeed more or less totally efface the unobtrusive Martin , who sat quietly dissociated , perched on the edge of a gilt-framed armchair , looking as though he did not quite mean to be there .
30 Even nineteenth-century industrialists at their worst did not quite approach this .
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