Example sentences of "did not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , he was the first who did not under estimate the power and the complexity of the system which had produced such a state of affairs .
2 White and cream and yellow and gold did not to everyone seem entirely appropriate shades to represent the Headleands , whose natural colouring , as in a party game , might have been supposed to be more primary , more violent , more extreme , more robust .
3 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
4 A third is that many of the buy-outs and recapitalisations succeeded because the managers knew something the shareholders did not about future cash flows .
5 I had such queer desires to speak to her , to give her my flowers , to kiss her hand , but did not of course , partly from cowardice , partly because she , however innocent , would probably be afraid ; and the old man was there , too .
6 It soon became apparent that he had not only failed to read the book but had not even succeeded in struggling to the end of the blurb , though this did not of course stop him talking at length .
7 These are three simple and fairly obvious examples of protective devices with a topic that did not of itself require careful handling , but when at the end of the lesson they chose to extend their interest in hospitals in the future to ‘ finding a cure for cancer ’ quite suddenly the subject-matter has become more of a delicate one , with some taboos attached for both the pupils and the adults watching the lesson .
8 In doing so I did not of course mean to deny that sometimes immoral or unjust laws are not authoritatively binding .
9 Research did not of course point only in one direction as far as service innovations were concerned .
10 Adam Verne-Smith , unwinding in Puerto de la Cruz , did not of course see it .
11 It did not of course necessarily destroy the monarch 's power of choice .
12 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
13 Robert Kerr caused outrage in the mid-1860s by suggesting that the doctrine of three bedrooms ( stipulated in the 1840s when the blue books revealed a high incidence of incest ) should be abandoned ; but , though the moral problems did not of course vanish , his view came to be increasingly shared .
14 Treaty did not of itself prevent a member state from imposing an ownership residence requirement as a condition for exemption from the compulsory acquisition of land , could not be followed in the present case for three reasons : ( a ) in the Fearon case , the owners ' residence requirement was not coupled with any nationality requirement and the court indicated in paragraph 10 of the judgment , at pp. 3685–3686 , that its decision would have been different if it had been ; ( b ) in the Fearon case , the residence requirement was limited to legal owners of the land and did not extend to peripheral persons , such as those who had lent the owners money in order to buy the land ; and ( c ) from the point of view of its geographical scope , the residence requirement at issue in the Fearon case was framed in local rather than national terms .
15 Held , allowing the appeal , that although ‘ action ’ in section 69 of the Solicitors Act 1974 was to be construed liberally it could extend only to forms of legal process and did not embrace a statutory demand , the service of which was merely part of the statutorily prescribed procedure for obtaining remedies afforded to creditors by a bankruptcy order and did not of itself initiate legal proceedings ; that a solicitor was therefore not debarred by section 69(1) from serving a statutory demand for payment of his costs before the expiration of one month from the date of delivery of his bill of costs ; and that , accordingly , since the statutory demand and petition were valid , they would be remitted to the district judge for hearing ( post , pp. 1029E–F , G — 1030A , 1031E ) .
16 Popular movements did not of course remain outside the influence of market forces .
17 It did not of course escape Mommsen that there can hardly be a more foolish political speculation , " eine thorichtere politische Spekulation " , than to represent the Roman constitution as a mixed constitution and to derive from it the success of Rome ( Rom .
18 It did not of course reach the bowl of scummy water , dirty plastic debris and filthy rags and bits of wood on the balcony .
19 A change of citizenship did not of course imply a divorce from the old country .
20 If the animal had been stolen from another district , and its owner did not as a result claim it , thieves could buy the fully-documented animal for a nominal sum .
21 Well he he he was a sinful person , as we all are erm , I think he did not as the way I understand it , you know Jesus came perfect in everything but he had a he had a a message to give and he could give it better , I think because he had experienced so many things .
22 Another aspect of this later circumcision of particular pertinence to the present discussion is that removal of the foreskin did not on its own render the rite effective .
23 The classical way Agatha Christie ( who did not on the whole write humorous crime stories ) managed this often will give you an idea of what to aim for .
24 Now the decision was that the money promised by the dairy company could not be recovered by the Crown , for the reason that ( a ) any prerogative power to tax had been taken away by the Bill of Rights 1689 , and that ( b ) as for the statutory powers of DORA , the Regulations under which the food Controller was acting did not on their wording enable him to impose a tax .
25 However , a new problem arises — that of selection due to differential recruitment of those receiving or not receiving X. For example if , after a TV programme on violence in society , we sample to compare the opinions of those who watched it with those who did not on the question of bringing back corporal punishment , can we assume that the subpopulations of watchers and non-watchers are otherwise similar ?
26 It did not with us for years and years , but then not everyone will take as long to get their act together financially .
27 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
28 If the outside world did not at first grasp its significance , the Israeli leadership positively refused to do so .
29 Foaled in 1975 and humbly bred , John Henry changed hands three times before reaching Dot and Sam Rubin 's Dotsam Stables ( Sam Rubin bought the horse unseen over the phone , and did not at the time know that his new purchase was a gelding ) .
30 The girl 's eyes did not at first stray in my direction so I was able in safety to look at her , to examine her , for quite some time .
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